I never said I'm not listening you've just been very disrespectful and rude as usual. I said from the jump I value and RESPECT your advice.
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I never said I'm not listening you've just been very disrespectful and rude as usual. I said from the jump I value and RESPECT your advice.
I am sorry, but I am very angry.
Disrespectful to you? Showing me my bitch looking like that is disrespectful to me (and to her).
When you first sent me her photos, I told you she looked terrible, and you said to me you were going to feed her an optimal raw diet.
I liked you and I believed you.
Clearly, that dog is NOT in optimal health nor being fed an optimal diet.
I have "educated eyes" ... and they can't be fooled. I know what an optimally-raw-fed dog looks like, and (in your care) she does not look like that.
I also know that bitch personally, and I know what she SHOULD look like (and what she DID look like) while under my care ... and it sure isn't how she's looking now.
"Listening" to someone means more than just "reading their words," it means adopting the practices they recommend because what they say actually resonates with you.
It is not much more difficult to feed and do everything optimally, so it is still amazing to me how SO MANY choose not to.
Thanks Wac for the reply. I'm definitely interested in getting some of your blood to add to the program. I've like your blood since seeing them hunt awhile ago. Looking forward ..... Blueprint
My apologies to everyone for flipping out when I saw the condition of Coca-Rilla, but it just makes me sick to see a wonderful, healthy, athletic animal turned into a fat cow due to ignorant ownership.
I am trying to apologize here, but I am again getting furious the more I think of it ... so I am not sure, even now, if I can spit out a proper apology.
The idea that feeding an animal extra helpings of lousy food, and making her hog-fat, is a way to get "more and healthier pups" is so ignorant, so backward, that it really is insane.
Again, that is like believing that over-feeding your wife, until she too is hog-fat, will ensure "more children are born" and that those children will be "healthier" :rolleyes:
It is simply ignorant; it is simply malpractice.
There is no other way to describe this mindset.
Intelligent people, who actually have studied the subjects of nutrition and reproduction, make sure their wives are in shape, and that they're eating the best food possible, prior to conception and on into gestation.
And intelligent dog breeders do the same thing with their animals. There is nothing to debate; that's just the way it is.
Being fat doesn't produce "more eggs" in a female; the amount of eggs she produces is controlled biologically.
The only thing that can be affected in the mother is the health of her eggs (as well as herself), which is controlled by THE QUALITY of the food, not "the quantity" of substandard food.
More importantly, the ease of her pregnancy (and delivery!) is controlled by her being IN shape versus OUT OF shape, as having strong stomach muscles and optimal condition make it easier for her to push more effectively.
This is especially true with small bitches having to "push out" large pups.
In essence, Blueprint is doing everything wrong, and has nothing to say but, "It is what it is" ... and "6 of 1, half-dozen of the other" ... as a response. Just mindless prattle as a defense mechanism for his malpractice.
Oh, and he says "he respects me" ... after flagrantly disregarding every piece of advice he's ever received ... and following what other no-names do instead (his "peers" as he says).
I am sorry, but I can't take and digest pure bullship like that very well.
I showed my respect to Hollingsworth's advice on how to breed dogs, by following his basic principles, of doubling-up on the key dogs, from all-game litters, and I profited immensely by doing so.
I showed my respect by taking the time to write a book about his breedings, pointing out what he was doing, as A BLUEPRINT FOR SUCCESS, and those others who have imitated what he did have profited also.
That, to me, is "respect" ... as opposed to disregarding everything the old man told me.
Ultimately, I find it ironic, Blueprint, that you call yourself "Blueprint," when you can't even follow the very Blueprints of Success you're given as to the proper way to feed, keep, and breed dogs.
Very ironic indeed. Someday when you stop repeating vapid bromides, and actually pay attention, you will discover that you should have paid attention to the pearls you were being given.
But, unfortunately, only your dogs' health will ultimately be suffering from your malpractice.
Anyway, I can't be any nicer than this, given how angry I am.
But I have at least taken out the posts where I am flat cussing this guy out (as well as re-worded others).
I shouldn't have done gotten so vulgar, so I apologize for not better controlling my outrage.
But my outrage is still my outrage ...
I will never feel anything but outrage every time I see a dog that looked fabulous in my care ... RUINED in someone else's.
I put too much into these dogs to "feel detached" when I see them mismanaged and done wrong.
Especially when the person has "the right way" sitting in front of his face, but just chooses the lazy way.
So maybe I will try to learn some diplomacy, Blueprint ... while you might try studying-up on the correct principles of canine nutrition and reproduction.
BOTTOM LINE: overfeeding your bitches ... and turning your athletes into cows ... isn't "good care" ... it's malpractice.
I know I'm a little late to this particular thread, but I had a giggle at this. No disrespect to the kennels listed
BUT, I have to agree with Jack.
Dogs from WCC MAULED the competition during the 90s with probably more Ch., Gr.Ch., ROMs, and winners than ANY kennel producing dogs at that time. What you won't find are any Redboy/Jocko dogs there. STP anyone? Bellon Club? I'm sure I could sit here and actually think of a TON more people that used zero of those dogs in their breeding program. I happen to like RBJ dogs, and I cut my teeth on those dogs in the 90s off and down from Voyles' Little John, whose parents came straight from Fletcher.