sure what are the peds?
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Please take time to look and see if a certain dog you wish to enter with a picture is not already in the system without a picture. Those who have learn how to add pictures or add a picture with the pedigree. Do a double check first.
I saw one pedigree recently that has 10 siblings with no picture. Someone added a same pedigree duplicate dog with a picture with one sibling. Ladies & Gentlemen these type errors are no fun to fix.
Another error being,if a dog was owned previous by more than one dog persons. The duplicate pedigree and name of the dog person that is preferred. Is used instead of the one already in the system. If there is a dispute on the owner of a dog's registered name. That can be fixed if it is reasonable to do so by one of the moderators.
Cannot fix my subject title. Should be Unnecessary Duplicate pedigrees. Cheers
Ditto, CYJ.
Please everyone take time to check whether a dog is already in the database or not. Almost at each time I have spare time and I log in the forums to enter/clean-up some pedigrees I find more than one duplicate pedigree. And it becomes worse when someone creates a duplicate to an existing pedigree and attaches a photo to that duplicate. Because in this case we as moderators cannot just recycle that duplicate pedigree as moderators cannot delete photos. This is something only Brickface as the owner of the database can do. Whilst being on the topic I would like to propose that we as moderators obtain the ability to also delete photos. This would make a huge benefit in time in recycling duplicate pedigrees since we wouldn't have to wait for Brickface to merge and delete these pedigrees. Also it would save Brickface a lot of work since he wouldn't have to delete these pedigrees.
What do you think about that Brickface?
I can't say it often enough. To prevent yourself from entering a duplicate pedigree please go with the following steps:
1. Use the search function in the Pedigrees forum ( and search for the dog's name, e.g. Golden Girl. You will immediately see whether a dog with said name is listed and if it has the same parents of the dog you would like to enter.
2. If this shouldn't be the case please search for either parent (sire or dam). Click on its name which will take you to his or her pedigree. Then go to his or her offspring and check ALL of them. Why I tell you this? Some of the dogs listed in the database go by various names and/or owners. For example Havana Boys' Golden Girl is the same dog as Southern Kennels' Golden Girl also known as Cuban Missing Link's (=CML's) Golden Girl and YOU will find the the other owner and/or dog names in the Notes of the pedigree (see: To give another example Ed Mullins' Golden Girl is the same dog as Watson's Vanity (see:
Please don't get me wrong, I don't claim myself to be someone who knows it all. I only tell it to you as I do it myself and by following these two steps I almost never again created a duplicate. And if for whatever reason you created a duplicate and realise it or detect duplicates please post them in the appropriate section (which is here: so Brickface can merge and delete them. And if for whatever reason you got it confused and attached a photo to the incorrect pedigree meaning the dog pictured is not the dog to which's pedigree you attached the photo please post them in the appropriate section (which is here:
Speaking of wrong picture attached to a photo. The picture on Art's Missy. Has Carver in his pajamas holding a bitch on top of it's dog house. That is a picture of Carver's Blue Belle.
Art's Missy had close cropped ears. The picture of Art's Missy shows Carver sitting with a white shirt and over hanging on the wall is a big wash tub. That is the correct picture of Carver with Art's Missy. Cheers
CYJ, I found the photo(s) of Art's Missy you are talking about and the change of the photo is in progress as I addressed the issue to Brickface. I also found a cropped photo of the one you are talking about and beneath it's written "Maurice Carver holding his all time great brood bitch Art's Missy". I will add this one later too. There's another supposed photo of Art's Missy but I am not sure. It would be nice if you could click on the following link and validate whether it's Missy which is shown on the first photo or not. As I would like to add this one too. As you can see they also got the photos of Carver's Belle and Art's Missy confused over there at this crappy database. Hey, do you know which colour the bitch was? From one of the photos I would say red & white.
To each and everybody else when you bring over any pedigree(s) from any of the other pedigree databases to The Pit Bull Bible please make sure to add all the information available (e.g. colour, d.o.b./d.o.d., wheight, registration number and registry, etc.). All of this is valubable harvestable information and with the storage of this information TPBB will become a truly historical source for bulldog enthusiasts. Also it pretty much sucks when you see members who enter pedigree after pedigree and are simply too lazy to add this valuable information and it's left up to the moderators or others to add this information at a later date.
Thank you,
This dog is a 4 x w. According to his previous owners notes on the pedigree he has won 2 more since then. Can he be registered as Champion on the database?
(I think this post has ended up in the wrong place
Sorry I accidentally included the ^ symbol in front of the dog's name. Could you edit it out please? Still getting used to the new keyboard.
Also, the mother of this dog is shown as Anderson's Dolly. That is not her name and never was. That is the name someone posted on Peds Online years ago and it stuck.
The dam's registered name is Abraham's Dolly ADBA reg # 13715AP-33