Sometimes, I can't open the website and sometimes it said the website is not secure.
Sometimes, I can't open the website and sometimes it said the website is not secure.
Yes it’s acting up on my I phone and has been all day. Glad to hear it’s your fault!
Yes Sir thank you
I'm trying to make a ped for a dog of mines and it wont let me put in the right parents! Pretty frustrating!
Pretty frustrating correcting punctuation and compartmentalizing your entries also. Example: Fosters should be Foster's, Latin Plague's is correct so continue with it instead of Latin Plague Kennels or LPK'S, TNBB'S, TNBBS' or TNBDBY'S? Also Mau Mau's not Mau Maus'....this way the Statistical data function captures ALL pertinent data.
Far as what you're trying to enter bear with us, as we've encountered a few slight glitches.
its pretty frustrating trying to develop an App from scratch, so my subscribers can have the best browsing experience across all platforms. pretty frustrating
Sounds awesome! Do you have any longterm plans to keep adding to/updating the medical and nutritional information?
I recently got two pups off sons of Hollingsworth’s bull. I can’t find a copy of the book. Does anyone know a way to get a hand on it.
Frank43. I believe Jack sold all those books awhile back. Right before or not long after he sold this site to Brick Face. The Hollingsworth book came in a all color and a black and white edition. Believe both were printed in a limited edition format. Some of the members on this site, that may have purchased those books. Can probably give more accurate facts. Cheers
Thanks for the help. I know someone that mentioned he had a copy. He mentioned scanning some of the pages for me. One of my pups has that blood. I really like her. Temperament and structure wise. She’s built well and loves people. I’d like to get in Hollingsworth’s head and understand the different strains of the blood. Thanks for the help. Some people have crack. Some dogs.
Do you have the stud and dam pedigrees on this site? Not that hard to understand the over all influence of the major dogs in the pedigree of your pup or puppies. Run the fourteen generation on the mating. Everything will break down into percentages of over all influence.
Hollingworth dog's had Lightner red/ red nose influence back in those dog's pedigrees. Yet other strains of dogs can produce the red nose color influence as well. Two different things.
Mr. Lightner bred a red/red nose family of dogs and he later bred a blue or brindle strain of Lightner dogs. He called one the red strain and the latter the blue strain, not that those dogs necessarily came blue brindles etc. The closest strain of dogs that came from the old Lightner red/red nose family of dogs was the Hemphill dogs. Some of his friends in that same time era also breed that strain and tried to keep it intact. Jake Wilder bought the last of Mr. Hemphill dogs. Iron line kennels owned by the Norrod brothers have the last of Jake Wilder's red/red nose Lightner stock.
As getting into Mr. Hollingsworth head. I am sure Jack's book on those dogs would answer all that. Mr. Hollingsworth may have felt that the red/red nose dogs of the Lightner strain carried more of the deep game gene influence. He may have felt the Black/Eli/Bullet etc. dogs were rougher harder show dog types, but tended to be less game with a lesser game gene influence.. Now that is just my adlibbing. IMHO, I feel the success of those Hollingsworth dogs was due to the main breeders behind those dogs. Mr. Hollingsworth saw the value of what they had done and the fine dogs he had acquired. He strove to keep his main family breeding's intact. Like a lot of us, when we finally have got some of this dog game figured out. We ourselves have run out of time. LOL
Mr. Hollingsworth's dogs like the Jocko/Red Boy dogs came big boned/well built with good breathing abilities. Big boned dogs for their show weights. Plus the Hollingsworth's dogs from what I have been told, showed deep gameness and willing to go the distance. My old friend George Cox told me about those Hollingsworth dogs and encouraged me to go check them out and possibly breed too one of his stud dogs. I did talk to V.J. about it. We never got on the same page and failed to follow through. Wish I had though. Cheers
This are my dogs.
I guess when I say get in his head. To see how he made decisions. When looking at a litter. Choosing what stud etc. I’m working on a way to get in the woods and hog hunt.
How does a person add a dog to the registry
Hey Frank43 we do not allow outside pedigree links. To register your dogs into our database visit our video tutorials.
We are very organized for the most part with our database, please take the time to watch and understand how to properly enter dogs before doing so. We are here to help if you have questions so don't hesitate to ask either myself, Brickface, Apeman, or CYJ. Thanks.
IMHO,When it came to breeding crosses with the Tudor Dibo strain. The Lightner strain seemed to work the overall best. More so than the Colby crosses. The early Don Maloney crosses usually carried about a quarter of the Hemphill blood or the Heinzl cross.
One of the best crosses made to the Cotton's Bullet strain was the brindle/red nose blended variety of the Lightner dogs. Mr. Eagan Skinner and Dean Plemmons had about perfected that cross. But Mr. Skinner lost the majority of those dogs when he lived in N.C. His dogs got drowned by a flash flood.
When you get your dog's pedigrees on this site. You can better see what you have over all. For now all you need to add is the Stud and Dam's pedigrees on the pups. Cheers
I gotta get those peds uploaded. I like knowing the history behind the lines. I’d like to hear the thought processes of different breeders. I could Reading history of this stuff all day.
Who was Vernon Jackson? Is there anyone but waccamaw with a higher percentage of jocko blood in their rbj.
Hello Frank43. Vernon Jackson was my partner in the dogs back in the 70's. He was the owner of the great dog V. Jackson's Hank. When bred to Rast's Queenie. Produced Chavis' Jocko and Jocko's other siblings. Mr. Chavis, another dog man named Miller (Not Brantley Miller) started crossing the Jocko line with Marlowe's Red Boy bloodline. Mr. Tant/Mr. Burns/P.Powell and many others had good success with these line of dogs.
A. Howle and myself borrowed the Jackson's Hank dog. Showed Hank against R. Byrd's 2X winner Arizona Red. The Hank dog was a unknown first time up dog into a known winning dog. This dog event was the last dog show on the card line up. Was considered a shoe in for Arizona Red to win. The Hank dog had other ideas about that and was considered the best event of the evening. Jackson later showed his Hank dog against Irish Jerry's Red Eye dog. Was another bring the house down event.
The Jackson' Hank dog unfortunately died at around four or so years old maybe a little older. Was only bred two times I personally know of. One to Rast's Queenie and my Young's Tina. Cheers
I can’t believe you knew that guy. I have been watching mayfield talk about the old days. I tried to enter my dogs on the system but neither of their parents are on there. I prob have to add four dogs to get to them.
Frank43, send me a ped in private message and I'll add it for you.
Ok. I think I have added them. I can’t delete the mistake entry’s but I can edit them
Well congratulations you managed to enter just about everything wrong! :appl:
It is imperative you follow instructions, watch the tutorials! Do not enter duplicate pedigrees, if you would have watched how to properly add dogs this wouldn't be an issue.
Another thing you need to change the apostrophe on your keyboard, explained here at the top of this page. --->
Lastly, you have 2 Frank Castles entered bred different if you need help correcting please ask....I would much rather spend my time helping you verses cleaning up after you.
It wouldn’t let me delete them.
S_B. One of the Frank Case dogs seems to have been corrected by Apeman. What about that other Sledges' Frank Case dog pedigree? Is incomplete and not sure it is a duplicate with conflicting pedigrees? Or by coincident there are actually two different dogs named Frank Case.
Apeman fixed one of the pedigrees. Frank43 let us know what is going on with that second Frank Case pedigree. If registered name is incorrect I can fix that and add the dam if you send one of us the correct info. Please let us know. Cheers
Frank43, Is Sledge's Frank Castle a pup you currently own, or one you plan to purchase when it is born?
Ditto, I concur. If a pup, I still see no need to enter a pedigree and a picture of a pup. It may die young, if one does not go back and add deceased. Next thing you see later is dogs registered off a dead young puppy etc. Best to just enter mature grown dogs. Put the pup pictures and pedigrees in the ad section etc. Just IMHO.
P.S. Frank 43. I did send you a p.m. but as of yet no response. Cheers
I have been away handling somethings
I see. I just want to be part of the group. I wanna sit with the cool kids
I don't care who you sit with, not my concern but let's get your dogs cleaned up so we can move on.
If you want to enter dogs here, learn how to correctly like the rest of us have. This pedigree database is far superior to all of the others because our members here actually take the time to research and enter data correctly so all of the functions of the database can be utilized.
I've offered you help, it's on you.
Hello Frank43. Are you the sole owner of the Titan kennels' Frank Castle? If you are, this dog should be in your last name.
That other Sledge's Frank Castle pedigree sired by Titan kennels' Hitler makes no sense. I looked at the online pedigree sibling list on this Hitler dog and found no Sledge's Frank Castle. Were you trying to enter another dog you own sired by this Hitler dog. Got the registered name wrong? Half a pedigree is no good either.
We cannot fix any of this if you will not tell us what dogs you were trying to enter. Apeman has one of the pedigrees corrected, but if you own that dog. It still needs to be in your last name. Cheers
Hello Frank43. I replaced that incomplete, duplicate Sledge's Frank Castle pedigree with another pedigree.
If you are the owner, as the pedigree stats show on the Titan's Kennels' Frank Castle pedigree. You should change the registered name to Sledge's Frank Castle or J. Sledge's Frank Castle or Johnathan Sledge's Frank Castle.
If you are not the full owner of this dog and it belongs to Titan Kennels will leave as is. One last thing there is no need to add symbols into the registered name like that up arrow sign ^. Just a name will do. Cheers
That was a mistake. When I put in Titan kennels it auto filled in the rest. I couldn’t get it out. It was a mistake. The official papers still say Armand’s or titans. I am the owner of the pair.
Hello Frank43. There is only one Titan Kennels' Frank Castle now in the system. Is that dog the sire of your J. Sledge's Frank Castle? Do you fully own the Titan's Frank Castle dog and have some personnel dogs bred off this dog, bred by you?
Frank43, We cannot fix the pedigrees or add the correct ones. Till we totally understand what dogs you want in the system. Are the pair of dogs you own puppies and not grown dogs? Surly you do not have two grown or half grown dogs with two different pedigrees named Sledge's Frank Castle.
First question: Are you now the full owner of the male dog known as Titan's Frank Castle? That pedigree shows you as the owner of that dog. Dog's registered name should not be Titan's Frank Castle, but Sledge's Frank Castle if you now fully own that dog.
Second question: What are the full names of the Sire and dam of the two dogs that you now own? You mentioned four dogs to be added, probably they are already in the system. If you do the pedigree search using the dog's name in the male or female search that dog's pedigree will come up if in the system.
Third question: What are the full names of these two dogs you own. Should be Sledge's etc.
Finally we welcome you as a member, want to be of help.
I am not evading questions. I told you I couldn’t not delete or edit the info.
I own the pups. They were born 10/15/17 10/31/17. I want the names to be my name. Sledge’s. Craig Armand bred them. I do not know your standards for that. Sledge’s Frank Castle out of Titan kennels redbull and Titan kennels katrina. Sledge’s clo out of titan kennels Brahma and Titan kennels blitz