LMAO ... we already have so much more to do :shocked:
But it is a good idea :mrgreen:
Sounds good Jack. I like the X-mas deal too, just might have to jump on it.
I typed in the sire x dame ,and clicked save ,the ped showed up as it should .i then went to planned breedings on the pedigree section ,it was not on it .
Hi Sonny;
1) You should not be entering in planned breedings in the actual breedings slot. (They should be entered in the test breeding feature).
2) Test breedings never get recorded. We only store actual breedings in the database, not planned breedings.
Are you using the test breeding or actual breeding feature? Actual breedings do get recorded, and should be there, but test breedings will not (which is by design).
Actual breeding ,rattler x fanta
And crazy eyes jr x Maggie
Had trouble once b4 and ended up with same litter several times recorded
Most likely something i did wrong or did not do ,
Just tried again ,no luck
They're all there, Sonny, and you've added 5 of them ... can you re-do the other 4 into other breedings please.
When you click on Rattler, look under Breedings Made.
I will try thanks