Okay, listen up. The subject of shock, treating shock, and the proper dosages and KIND of cortico-steroids one should use for a dog is a great topic to get clear amongst the users in this community :idea:
One of the members (Nut) challenged me in private saying that the dosages listed in my article on these drugs (and therefore The Pit Bull Bible) are wrong.
Now, I originally got my info from Doc, of Baystate Kennels, who has always been revered as a great medic in our sport ... and my own subsequent research confirmed that the "regular" dosages on the labels for most cortico-steroids are pretty much for swelling ... not shock ... and that the dosages to give these drugs for shock can be up to 10x the standard dose.
So I posed this basic question to FrostyPaws, our Moderator, who's completed a certain amount of medical training in his profession to help provide some clarity. However, rather than discuss such a matter "in private," I am opening up this discussion to public debate ... and I ask that all members making "claims" please cite their references, so we're not just making things up here.
My next post will be a statement/response dialogue with Frosty's response to my PM questions. I make this discussion "public" (in our private community) because it absolutely is a topic we all can learn from and help clarify ... so here goes ...