Hi Everyone;
When we first created The Pit Bull Bible Online APBT Database, we gave everybody 100% full, unrestricted ability to edit/contribute to *any* pedigree we had here (not just your own) ... we allowed every member to edit the text, notes, titles, photos, videos, everything. We wanted to treat everyone as adults, inspire folks to add their images/knowledge of any pedigree, etc., in order to make this an interesting place with limitless potential, when compared to anywhere else.
And, for over 2 years, every member was able to contribute anything they wanted to, which quickly got us a lot of great images, and history in the notes, and (surprisingly) it went like that, perfectly smoothly, for longer than what I expected. People forget that this complete freedom was a privilege, not a right. And, unfortunately, a member by the name of Milky messed all that up when he changed pedigree-after-pedigree, just to be malicious, posting bogus photos, etc., and so we had to put the brakes on the "complete freedom" idea and consider other options.
At first, I transferred all the dogs to "me," so no one could edit any of the dogs but me, but that didn't feel right, as it removed everyone's credit for the dogs they did put in. So what we decided to do instead was transfer every one's dog back to them, but make every dog entered "so far" a Core Dog, meaning a dog NO ONE (but me) could alter (which is what PedsOnline does), and yet each member still got credit for the dogs they entered.
But the trouble with this was, every dog entered was transferred as a Core Dog, so people's own dogs were now no longer under their control either. So we created a Yes/No feature for (me only) to edit, so I could make the dog 'not' a core dog, and so the person who entered the dog could now re-edit his own dogs.
But the trouble with this concept was, sometimes Person A enters the dog of Person B, so Person B gets left out in the cold as to his ability to edit his own dogs. So we now have an insertion point near the Created By feature (that only I can see) to where I can just insert a new User ID into the slot and give you complete control over that animal. Here is what I am taking about:
You guys can't see any of the items circled in red, but I (as Administrator) can.
This means, if you entered a dog (but you can no longer edit it), I can change the Core Dog feature from Yes to No, and now you have control over it.
It also means, if someone else entered your dog, and you want control over your own animal, that I can now just insert your User ID into the Created By feature, and it is now your dog. (Before, I had to go deep into the database, hunt for your dog, which was simply a waste of my time.) Now, if you provide the info I ask, I can click on your dog's link, copy/paste your user ID into the spot, and in a few seconds do what took me 15 min to do, previously.
Therefore, a certain sense of freedom is now restored to everybody once again. You can all thank Milky that we will never have total freedom over here again, because of that little pissant, but we have done the best we can to KEEP everyone's work credited to their account, keep SAFE all the Core Dogs that are here from being botched-up again, and grant everyone the complete control over their own animals so they don't feel stymied.
With that said, if you need a dog transferred to your name (or to regain control of a dog you entered), or any other changes, then you need to use This Forum Section, which includes:
Please read everything I have written here, because I will not "re-write this again" for you, personally.
If you have any questions, do NOT PM me, place them here.
PS: Another cool feature we have upgraded is our Pedigree Generations. Our 15-gen search did not work at all, as it caused all browsers to crash, because of the staggering amount of data. We could therefore only go up to 13-gen (sometimes 14, but that would take 15-20 seconds to render). Well my brother re-did the algorithms and now it is now possible to conduct a 15-generation search on ALL 4 MAJOR BROWSERS (Google, Firefox, IE, and Safari). It will take about 10 seconds to render, but it renders. The once-iffy 14-gen ped/statistics now renders in a mere 5 seconds. 6-10 generations takes about 2-3 seconds, and anything less is virtually instant. So we blow everyone else out of the water in speed/data return, on top of features, etc. That's all for now, and thanks to everyone for their patience.