TFX's Article on Organic Germanium (Ge 132)
Originally written for the Mar/Apr edition of my 2003 Healthy Bulldog magazine:
Let me preface this article by saying that in most discussions with dogmen over the years I have been hesitant to share what I’m going to share with you in this article. I found early on as a young fancier, that most dog folks had a closed mind about anything that they didn’t discover on their own, or learn from someone they considered more successful than themselves. Hence, I’ve always been somewhat hesitant to share any “secrets” our kennel has used through the years. I believe the readership of The Healthy Bulldog however, to be the very type of fancier who may embrace what I plan on sharing, or at the very least give it some serious consideration.
What would be your response if someone touted a substance that had the ability to replace oxygen in the body, cure cancers of the lung, bladder, larynx, and breast, and more? A substance that has been proven effective in treating neurosis, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, sinus problems, neuralgia, leukemia, softening of the brain, psychosis, depression, hepatic cirrhosis, fertility problems, and burns? In fine a substance that has the ability to cure or prevent literally all illness? Certainly there are a few naysayers among our ranks, and that’s OK; please turn the page. Those who even have a hope to believe that what I’m describing is true, feel free to read on. I’m not a scientist and much of the information surrounding this substance is highly scientific. Being as I do not have a background of scientific training, I have no choice but to keep my overview of this substance somewhat basic. It is my hope that by doing so, I will be able to adequately enlighten others who have an interest in such a remarkable substance as well.
I first stumbled upon Bis Beta Carboxyethyl Germanium Sesquioxide, Ge 132, or simply “Organic Germanium” sometime in the late 1980’s. I had raised APBT’s for a few years at this point, and was just taking an interest in the sporting aspect of the dogs. My first reading on the substance was through Dr. Betty Kaman’s book. Shortly thereafter, I was also able to purchase Dr. Kazuhiko Asai’s book on this truly remarkable substance. Not only did I marvel at the possibilities that this substance potentially had on all of humanity, but I quickly realized it’s potential in the world of the sporting dogs as well. It wasn’t long after that I had the chance to begin experimenting with this substance on the working APBT. Positive results have kept us using it over the years many times, albeit not nearly enough in retrospect.
I will provide a very brief background of the raw element we know as Germanium. Russian Chemist Omitri Mendeleev not only listed known elements when he developed the periodic law, but also theorized the existence of several undiscovered elements. He left a gap in the 32nd column of his table for a substance that he predicted would be referred to as “ekasilicon.” In 1886, German Chemist Clemens Winkler succeeded in isolating the substance Mendeleev had described. In a tribute to his native homeland, he named the substance “Germanium.” For many years thereafter, Germanium received little attention form the scientific community. In 1948, however, Bell Telephone Laboratories recognized it’s superior qualities as a semi-conductor. From this point forward, Germanium became widely used in the electronics field in the development of solid-state devices. At this point, the reader may be asking himself, “What does all this have to do with curing and preventing disease?” In 1945 Dr. Kazuhiko Asai was researching Coal as an instrumental part of rebuilding post war Japan. His research had led him to discover the presence of Germanium in Coal, and how effective this element was as a semi-conductor. I quote from Dr. Asai’s book to describe his idea of Germanium as a possible health promoting substance.
“The thought came to me almost intuitively, but one day when I was dwelling on the fact that living organisms also come under the physical laws of matter, I was led to make a hypothetical supposition as to the effects that the semiconductor phenomenon would have on a living body. I was led to the assumption that Germanium might have interesting biological applications as well.”
Initially Dr. Asai discovered the importance of this element in plant life. He noticed that Germanium was contained in the vitrit or woody sections of Coal. He surmised that the Germanium was first in the plants, which were the source of the Coal. Upon further study, Dr. Asai was amazed to find that plants which were revered to have medicinal value, all had one thing in common; a high content of Germanium. These plants include widely used herbal favorites such as Shelf Fungus, Ginseng, Wisteria Knob, Aloe Vera, Comfrey, Chlorella, Garlic, and various other lesser known plants. Furthermore, upon experimenting with Germanium in the soil of various test plants, it was found that all of the plants which had Germanium added to the soil had a distinct advantage in size and hardiness. The problem with adapting this substance for human or animal consumption was that Germanium is a semi-metallic substance and not water-soluble. Dr. Asai then began to search for a way to synthesize this element with an affinity to living cells.
Remember, Dr. Asai’s research with Coal and Germanium began in 1945. From 1959 onward, his studies were no longer surrounding Coal and Germanium, but rather a way to synthesize this remarkable element as a possible preventative and healing agent for disease, which could have as dramatic effect on mankind as it did in his studies with plant matter.
I once again quote directly from Dr. Asai’s book.
“In November, 1967, a member of my research staff who stayed on, walked into the room holding a test tube of white powder. Raising it slowly, and with an expression on his face, which radiated the whole room, he uttered the words I had been waiting ten years to hear. “ Dr. Asai, the water soluble organic Germanium compound has at last been synthesized.” For the first time in my life I shed tears of joy in deep silence as a man in ecstasy. They were tears of almost a religious exaltation. The event proved to me that all of man’s struggles are not in vain. The Organic Germanium compound synthesized on that day has changed my life, and as I hope you shall see has done something good for everyone who has come in contact with it.”
Dr. Asai began experimenting on himself immediately for a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis. Within ten days he began to make a remarkable recovery. He had been under the treatment of an acupuncturist who noticed the remarkable improvement. The acupuncturist then began to give this substance to several of his patients, and all experienced a marked improvement.
At this time he also began to experiment with the use of the Organic Germanium on animals. (As an aside here, perhaps some readers question how is a synthesized compound is also an “organic” compound? As in the case of this Organic Germanium compound, anything that contains carbon is described as “organic” even if the product is synthetically manufactured.) During this time of initial experimentation with animals, Dr. Asai had a Siamese cat who had been mauled by a dog. The cat was in danger of dying due to the severity of the wounds. He began to apply dressings to the wounds with a water solution containing the Organic Germanium, and at the same time forcing him to drink of the solution. This was done in the presence of a Veterinarian. A few days later, the Veterinarian was astounded at the quick recovery of the cat saying, “he could now believe in miracles.” Dog fanciers, are you beginning to see how this substance may be of benefit to you in the care of your hunting dogs or sporting dogs? We are only beginning, so please read on!
Additionally, The substance was introduced into ponds containing sick Japanese Koi fish that were on the verge of death. In short order, they were vigorously swimming around with healthy appetites.
Many other similarly dramatic effects were seen on cats, dogs, and horses with many different ailments. One of the most impressive to me as a dog breeder was the Doberman who was imported from England to Japan, and had failed to whelp pups seven times in five years. One month prior to coming into estrus, she was given the Organic Germanium compound. She delivered ELEVEN healthy pups! Breeders, are you seeing how this “miracle cure” might help you with animals that struggle with fertility problems? One of the studies at this time that also took place with animals was that of toxicity testing. After being tested for acute, sub acute, and chronic toxicity, the substance was found to be completely nontoxic and harmless. After this assurance that it was nontoxic, Dr. Asai was able to receive financial backing for further research at his clinic.
How does the substance work one might ask? I suppose the simplistic answer may be that it enriches the body’s oxygen supply, although it goes far beyond that. Oxygen readily combines with hydrogen. The oxygen atoms of the Organic Germanium compound thus have a dehydrogenating effect on the body, which is the way in which Ge 132 helps to eliminate harmful substances in the body. For the hydrogen to be removed, we must have large quantities of Oxygen available. In a study of mice, The Ge 132 compound caused a huge decrease in Oxygen consumption in both the diaphragm and the liver. In essence, the substance acts as a substitute for Oxygen in the body. Can we see how a substance that acts as a replacement for Oxygen might keep the respiratory demands of a hard working animal at a more acceptable level? Do the dog conditioners now begin to realize what benefits this substance might have in recovery from stressful activity? In addition, the substance not only removes Hydrogen ions from the blood, but also abnormal proteins and other foreign matter. The oxidizing effect of the compound thus serves to purify the blood. Can we begin to see how this may ease stress on vital organs such as the kidneys? In short, the Ge 132 compound in essence, is like putting an oxygen mask on your dog during a show, a hunt, during work, or perhaps to an ailing dog, except you are using it as an internal substitute for Oxygen demand so that external respirations can be kept in control.
Oxygen deficit in the body can be caused by a variety of things. One reason that high Hydrogen and lower Oxygen level in the body is dangerous, it that it results in an acidic constitution. This is what some researchers believe to be the root cause of Cancer. Another factor, which results in acidic blood, is mental instability or stress. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that people who suffer from much stress often develop stomach ulcers. The hard working dog is under much stress in his life, and these stresses may be what lead to a decline in health after a dog is done with his working career. These stresses can actually be detected by measuring the “electrical potential” of each part of the body. This is what is measured when Doctors monitor the “brain waves” of a patient. Those same principles apply to each organ of the body. Organic Germanium has an interesting relationship with electrical potentials. Dr. Asai’s people demonstrated this with an automobile battery that would not start the vehicle. They were then able to start the car immediately after introducing the Ge 132 compound into the battery. Likewise, as the body has a decrease in electrical potentials, health and vitality decline. Ultimately the state we call “death” is when no electrical potentials can be detected in the body. Thus we can see the importance of keeping the electrical potentials in the body at a high functioning level to maintain health.
I have discussed already the way in which Organic Germanium acts as a blood purifier. One of the areas where Germanium excels in keeping the body toxin free is with that of metal poisoning, such as lead or mercury.
We could go on for many pages yet and fill volumes regarding the efficacy of the Ge 132 compound as a cure for a variety of conditions, as well as a preventative from illness. Personally, after using this substance for nearly 15 years on both the dogs, and myself here is my brief testimonial of what it’s done for me. I’ve often fought off the common cold and flu with amazing success by using Germanium. I’ve used it recently post-op after abdominal surgery and was up and about in about ½ the normally expected time. With previous surgery I have had the lingering effects of sluggishness from the anesthesia. While using the Ge 132, I have not suffered that lack of energy caused by the anesthesia. I believe much like the poisonous metals or other toxins in the body, the Germanium eliminated the anesthesia in short order throughout the body. Additionally, the incision site healed well ahead of the normally expected time frame. Perhaps the most dramatic effect I ever saw was with a severe sprained ankle. I had fallen over the side of a truck with my foot caught in the stake bed of the truck. The ankle was swollen nearly to the size of my calf, and was literally black with some shadowing of purple. Having suffered less severe sprains than this in the past, I know that these types of injuries are very slow healing. My initial thought was to ingest a huge amount of the Ge 132 compound to try and heal the ankle. I did just that. I took 5000-mg. of the Organic Germanium that evening before bed. In the morning, the ankle only had slight soreness, virtually no swelling, and had a slight hint of yellow bruising. I was back at work the morning after the injury, which was a hard labor job at the time and had no difficulty performing my labors. My wife was on the product while pregnant. While our daughter was born premature, she suffered none of the typical problems that most children born as early as she was have to endure, and had a very high Apgar Score of 9. In addition, she received the Ge 132 through breast-feeding as my wife stayed on regular doses of it for several months. She has never taken an antibiotic in her life at 2 years old. I attribute much of her superior health to being on Organic Germanium through much of her young life already.
In the dogs we have seen similarly remarkable results, and while not using the Germanium, we had what I would consider noticeably lesser results. The format of The Healthy Bulldog isn’t such that I will go into great detail, but suffice it to say, that the dogs perform at a very high level and go the distance in any activity while on the Organic Germanium. I like to use about 100mg. per day to help recovery during the keep, and then use a huge dose the day of the competition, somewhere between 3000-5,000 mg.within minutes of show time.
One thing I’ve learned over the years, is if you are going to get the dog functioning at that high level of a cellular and electrical “peak” during a show or hunt, it is important to continue on with liberal amounts of the Germanium for at least several days thereafter to promote quick and total recovery. I’ve also noticed that the initial urination after stressful activity while on the Germanium is much more foul looking than “normal” I believe that the Germanium scavenges all of the toxins in the body and eliminates them much more rapidly than normal. Something else that Organic Germanium does to benefit the hard working dog is actually inhibits the endorphin inhibitors in the body. What does this mean to you and I? It is well accepted by most Bulldog enthusiasts that our dogs have extremely high endorphin levels, which in part contributes to their gameness. If we can find a way to increase endorphin production in the body, we may very well add to the “gameness” of our dogs. Everyone has heard the stories of the man or woman who while in a panic lifted a car, or performed some other miraculous feat of strength. Why is it that we cannot do this every day of the week? Our bodies have inhibitors for endorphin production that reduce our strength to help avoid injury. I got a weight lifting friend of mine interested in Ge 132. He became sold on its effects while in the gym, as he’s been able to notice the superior workouts he has experienced while on the Germanium.
I believe this product can keep you and your dog yard in a state of better health than you have previously known. What is the downside to using Ge 132? The only thing negative thing about it that I have found is its price. Our friends at the FDA took note of this substance in the mid 1990’s, and put a ban on the importation of it calling it an “unregulated medicine”, because they know very well that it actually works. Sources for it in today’s market remain sketchy, as I’m sure some of it sold here in the USA is from bootleg or smuggled sources. One brand in particular that has remained committed to marketing the Ge 132, even when most companies didn’t want to hassle with the legal issues brought forth by the FDA is Jarrow Formulas. I believe this brand to be of the highest quality, regardless of where or how they have to purchase it nowadays. Most high quality health food stores carry Jarrow Formulas. Better yet, purchasing online will generally prove to be more economical. There may be other brands of Organic Germanium out there that are equal in quality, at a better price, but it’s also known that there are some substandard and inconsistent sources for the product as well. I’ve always had good luck with Jarrow and they’ve stuck with it even when it wasn’t popular to do so. Because of the cost of the product, I have generally only used it with working dogs. Looking back, I can think of several individuals on our yard over the years that I believe I could have healed with Ge 132 who had problems ranging from Hypothyroidism to fertility problems.
Whether you end up using it on your working dogs, your brood stock, geriatric dogs, or yourself, I’m sure you will begin to see as I have over the years what a magnificent health promoting substance Dr. Asai discovered. There is no single secret to success in the dogs, but I do believe that Organic Germanium is a weapon in my arsenal of secrets well worth having, and I’m sure you will too upon trying it.