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nice dog! any upcoming breedings?
Nice has it been done already?
will happen in a couple months
i can't wait till the ebony litter
we are thinking little mac to ebony but still up in the air on that one... we still have til spring before she comes in. either way we should get some nice dogs i think. hopefully she can be bred to both mac and marley but i can assure you i will not sell any off ebony :D
ebony is one of a kind! not many off miester left out there. i hope when u get her up there you take good care of her and get a nice litter off her. i had to give her to my brother because of a divorce. i also had a female off mac to flea
oh ok now i know who this is :D then you sir will be getting pups off your ol girl back down your way for sure!! i am very excited to get her bred she is bred off some of the gamest ive personally seen from this line! i had a littermate to her mother years ago that a divorse also caused me to part with. from what ive heard ebony brings to the table exactly what we look for in this line of dogs. she will be in good hands up here bro she will be fed only the best and get plenty of attention as i only keep as many dogs as i can enjoy! i really wish you still had the macguyver x flea bitch my bama bitch(her littermate sister) was 1 of a kind and very much missed around here. i do have a daughter off bama to my old stalker dog(rip) that i really like alot! she's ready to drop a litter off little mac soon
like i said i am very excited to get ebony here and rest assure i will take great care of her. i think m.k. is more excited than i am if that is possible ;)
yis gamewarden
iwish i had alot of the dogs i had before but you know how divorces go. i had one that was named nemo that went back up your way. cant remember who he was off
if you can find out the parents i can see what ever happend with the dog for ya. how long ago did you send him back?
probably 3-4 yrs ago.