It is a known fact that the redboy / jocko dogs have made more dogs dead game !!
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It is a known fact that the redboy / jocko dogs have made more dogs dead game !!
I am no expert on the statistics but either way, that is one of the coolest statements I have read about the dogs. EWO
I little different ,but true .
How about Jocko /Red Boy dogs instead of Red Boy/Jocko dogs. When it all started out it was those Jocko/ Red Boy dogs. Than later on it became the Red Boy/Jocko dogs.
Still a very somber quote, will be interesting to see what the stats show. Cheers
Haha I like it!
Is this in reflection to the tread about the Hollingsworth dogs??
True. It is funny how the Red Boy has moved out front over the years. There is an older guy around here that still refers to them as Jocko-Redboy dogs. He beat FC with a dog named Ch. Cotton way back when. He said back then (first sets of dogs coming off the first few crosses) these dogs would change the game. They were rough and durable, dumb as a stump but game. Game to the bone. He always said when going into one to pack a lunch, you better be ready to be there awhile.
But in reference to another post, the overwhelming popularity of "anything Redboy" changed the name to RBJ. EWO
No, I have not noticed that. In fact, that's about as false as statements get.
In point of fact, the winngest dogs in history don't have a drop of RBJ in them.
I don't think they produce the most devastating killers either. Queen of Hearts, Molly B, Shady Lady, Tornado ... not a drop.
The absolutey baddest crosses with my own line were to Eli, Chinaman, or Coca Cola dogs.
Statistically, there are more winners with Eli blood and/or Bolio blood in them than RBJ.
Bolio/Eli, Bolio/Boomerang (and even Jeep/Redboy dogs) have ALL been been major, dominant forces out there also ... with not a drop of RBJ.
And let's not forget the avalanche of awesome, multi-winning Jeep/Rascal dogs too ...
I do agree RBJ dogs are an undeniably great, very consistent line of dogs though. Absolutely.
But they sure as hell don't produce "all" the good ones, not by a longshot.
preach jack
Most of the kennels that won in the 90's and 2000's had redboy jocko in their pedigree..... Waccamaw, Southern kennels, Hardcore, Hell on Earth, Carolina kennels, Stone City kennels, undertaker kennels (Mrs. Leaky foundation bitch) Evolution Kennels, Tant, Mr Burns and cross road kennels....that's just a few it's a hell of a lot more with the offspring of those foundation dogs for those kennels... Just my two won't find a more highlighted working stock then those accomplishments of those kennels.....I can't speak on what happen before the 90's.... That's when I got my first journal...except for reading Stratton books ( hey I had to learn somewhere )
I never said that RBJ dogs weren't great. In fact I do believe I directly said they were both great and consistent as a bloodline.
But the idea that "most" kennels use them ... or that they've produced "the baddest" ... or "all" of the great dogs out there ... is absolutely asinine.
My dogs have beat every HOE dog they ever faced (3); they've also beaten at least 1 Hardcore dog (a daughter of Bozack);
One of Southern Kennels' finest Ch Glock was defeated by the Jeep dog Gr Ch Da Beast (who came up to 52 lb to beat him);
And Stone City's #1 dog, Ch Nico, was beaten by the Eli/Carver dog Gr Ch IBM.
I could go on and on ...
So, again, NO, sorry, the RBJ dogs are good ... and I mean no disrespect to the line ... because I agree they are as competitive as the other great lines out there ... but they do NOT have a lock on either winning or "badness" ... not by a longshot.
I agree with your post 100%. No line of dogs has a lock on the game but when you talk about consistency and high ability animals .... Redboy/ Jocko and crosses are second to none.... You have your occasional destroyers from other lines of dogs.... But the percentage of hounds in those liters are drastically lower....( not speaking on Poncho hounds I have never ran across one ) ... I'm starting to get mid 40's to high 30's hounds hopefully in the future I get a chance to compete with some....
I agree that RBJ dogs are as good and competitive as any of the great lines, with a boatload of accomplishments, true.
My disagreement was that they have EVER produced either "the baddest" killing dogs in history ... OR "all" the good dogs ... either today, recently, in the past, or at any other time in history.
That is simply flat-out untrue.
Hoe was not the dog butch was told he was ,but that dog beside my name ch big John now that was one more bad ass he would flat eat a hog ,i got a dog right now named solo ( the cannibal) ,just like him.only thing is I can't hunt him with bay dogs ,he eats anything with four legs .i might have to have him put down being I can't hunt him with bay dogs .he ate 3 of em.
Waccamaw the V. Jackson Hank dog and the Kelley's Willie dog were both hard core cannibals. The Hank dog, when on a dog was not just trying to be dominant with a high prey drive. He or the Willie dog was trying to kill the dog in front of them and have a nice lunch afterwards. LOL Vernon or Mr. Kelley have come home to find some ones hunting dog or a puppy that got out of the pen. Devoured or being devoured. Like the wolves though would leave the head. Cheers
We have to A.I. 90% of our dogs !high prey drive ?a hog can run a tusk from one side to the next break their jaw !it don't bother them at all as far as they know they are still going to eat the hog .that is what I like about the redboy / jocko all around dog on average .
I hope nobody has taken my post the wrong ,just bringing to light the original RBJ .but they all trace back to the same dogs.
I'm waiting on these to drop now and I have some high hopes for them RBJ with some Jeep blood I'm sure you will recognize a few dogs in this ped Waccamaw
Nice breeding Creek
Wac who is your best producing stud? I've been interested in your blood forever. I tried to get something from you years ago but talked to you once and couldn't get you aagain. So I went this way and it turned out good. I shouldn't have let her go
U know those Hollingsworth hounds look alot like redboy hounds.
We must be from different planets then :mrgreen:
Tornado is no more closely related to the RBJ dogs than I am related to your sister.
They're both pit bulls (and we're both Caucasian human beings), and that's about it :lol:
The simple proof is to run a 10-generation pedigree search on Yellow bred to Tornado, and you don't even get 2 tenths of 1% :exclamation:
So I don't know how you came up with the idea that Tornado has anything to do with RBJ dogs ... but she sure isn't even remotely related.
A dog having "prey drive" is great ... and I love a cannibal also.
Not saying RBJ dogs don't produce these traits; I am sure they do.
I am saying that they sure don't produce "all the good ones" (like you said); it's not even close.
They are also not on the top list of "awesome, brutal killers" either.
Hell, Silverback was a stone-killer, but that doesn't mean he actually went out there and topped Molly B's record. Big difference.
No one is questioning that the RBJ GOOD (some GREAT) ... but saying they make up "all" the good ones ... or that they've killed more dogs than ALL the other strains is about as far from reality as saying Tornado was a RBJ dog :-O
The fact is they get killed and beaten by many of the other bloodlines too.
They do have a similarity, at first blush, true.
But, having put my hands on both, the Hollingsworth dogs were more muscular, and had a greater density and strength to them.
This is why, bred pure, they could actually go 2 hours with some of the baddest match dogs alive, while not many pure RB dogs can do that.
Well, all I can tell you is no pedigree program on earth, nor any knowledgeable dogman I know, would call those two dogs "related" ...
There are 2046 dogs in a 10-gen pedigree, so (sorry) if Teal's Sarge is in there 7-gen back a couple times it means nothing.
Calling the dogs "related" would be the text book definition of a "stretch" ...
Any way you want to twist it jack ,they both go back to laposy and jocko goes back to dibo.
With bulldogs you got to know where you came from to know where you gonna go or else you just gonna get lost
Actually, it's any way you want to misunderstand it.
Because if anyone is doing some twisting it's you.
Bolio dogs go back to Dibo at some point.
So do Eli dogs.
So do a lot of other dogs.
It does NOT mean they're the same bloodline or even remotely related.
Relatedness depends on QUANTITY of dogs and/or their POSITION within the pedigree.
And there are almost ZERO dog in common in the two dogs' peds. Literally almost zero.
And their position in relation to their pedigrees is absolutely meaningless.
There isn't a single common dog anywhere in a 6-generation pedigree.
There isn't a single common dog anywhere in a 7-generation pedigree.
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""8-generation pedigree. Not one.
Again, we should simply agree to disagree.
In your eyes, I am wrong, I am "twisting things," the pedigree coefficient is wrong, etc.
In my eyes, you simply don't know what you're talking about if you think Tornado has anything whatsoever to do with RBJ dogs.
So we can just leave it like that.
I know those Hollingsworth dogs aren't what you say they are and they never were !! The best Hollingsworth dogs came when the old man bred to yellow ,just like the best mayday dogs came when bred back to RBJ .or maybe those Hollingsworth dogs were on the same planet that buck beat jr on .