Second time in a week i didn't hear my alarm for some reason and dog was left with the kong chewing 3 houres.
Usually leave em 30 minutes. Might be a stupid question, but would it be better to skip chewing the kong for a while? Im 5w out.
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Second time in a week i didn't hear my alarm for some reason and dog was left with the kong chewing 3 houres.
Usually leave em 30 minutes. Might be a stupid question, but would it be better to skip chewing the kong for a while? Im 5w out.
Glad to hear someone else gives a Kong.It sure builds jaw pressure.I have 1 that will destroy the lrg.kong in about 30 but hes a bigdog.I use tires also but take them away after the sidewalls are chewd up.
I might skip him for a day or so, not for any particular health reasons, but so he does not become bored with it. I had a hard keeper once that would destroy a wood house in a day, a plastic barrel would be chewed down one side in a couple three days and a root did not stand a chance. He dug a hole deep enough to bury a man. I eventually tried a car tire. He fought that tire what sounded like 23 hours a day. With the tire in there the wood house was safe. He lived to be 11. I could not say whether the tires took a couple years off or prolonged him by ???? because he was not eating wood, plastic or roots. I can't see any hours on the kong as long as it is in one piece afterwards. EWO
swamp i think about 6 dogs used this kong so far, some were pretty good biters.(up to 46 lbs) and none of them took a piece out. i like them
guess some dogs are just born destructive lol
i dont realy think it builds jawpresure but more likely muscle endurance. keeping the same bite for longer periods of time. or is that what you mean
ewo, i dont think he will get bored with it. just thought 3 hours could have been to much. not doing any bitework from 14 days out tho.
They actually build the muscles around head and neck giving them better holding power.Like I said before I found the kongs I used to use truck tires and at first they ycouldnt move them but after a few months they would flip them with ease.
True. I had one that was a 31 inch truck tire. In the beginning it was a bite and drag. In time it was a bite and flip. In time it was slinging it against the side of the pen. It went on for hours every day. Beat down 98 degree sun or ice and snow on the ground. It was him and his tire and all was perfect in the world. EWO
Lol Some dogs will chew all day if giving the opportunity to do so.
QUOTE=EWO;25599]True. I had one that was a 31 inch truck tire. In the beginning it was a bite and drag. In time it was a bite and flip. In time it was slinging it against the side of the pen. It went on for hours every day. Beat down 98 degree sun or ice and snow on the ground. It was him and his tire and all was perfect in the world. EWO[/QUOTE]
I don't leave any of my kongs with the dogs unsupervised as I'd rather be safe than sorry. My house dog can tear one section off the kong in about 30 minutes, so I'd hate to see what one of the yard dogs would do if they had one for 3 hours.
This may sound a bit stupid but it's just my thoughts on the subject. I'd never let a dog in on my yard let alone one in a keep play with a truck or car tyre for the same reason I'm not a huge fan of a spring pole, I've had a dog break one of he teeth playing on a spring pole and I'd worry something similar could happen with a tyre, I never really thought of using a kong before but I've never really put much thought into this activity as a necessity to a dog in a keep, do people really think it makes a difference?
I dont let em play with a tire either. As for the kong, i agree it might be better to let them chew it under supervision. But i know which are the destructive type of dogs and which just chew it. That has nothing to do with biting power.
I think it makes a little difference Macker. And if it doesn;t then it doesn't hurt the dog. I usually give the kong 5 days a week for the first 6 weeks (out of 8 ). Just 30 minutes.
I believe some regular chewing delays muscle cramp in the jaws and so keeps them able to maintain their natural biting power for a longer period of time. Just try and bite a stick yourself and see how fast your muscle cramp. Its because u never do it.
Its a nice activity for resting day as well when your dog is hyped up in a keep. I give em the kong at training time. Wont hurt the dogs bodyrest, but keeps him happy. Just trying to do what i can.
I'm interested in giving this a try, which Kong do you use? I presume you don't put the treats in the kong?
No treats. Some dogs are not interested in the kong but they would just get the paste out and leave it.
Iv got the black XL
Macker you have to start them young and play with them.It usually Carries over into adulthood.
I'm with Nut in the sense that it's not hurting anything though I certainly don't believe it's a necessity.
It's all food for thought none the less, I'll be giving it a go.
Lost a very great game grandson of Kelly's Mojo raising to a Kong toy son left it it with him over night and it was in pieces in the morning! Couldn't pass it and the $7,000 vet Bill couldn't be reached forcing us to put this very special dog down! We have a lawsuit against the toy company now! don't go by the weight on the toy all bulldogs should have the xxl one do to the jaw muscle endurance! And never allow them to have it unattended and teaching your children that they cannot leave them with any toys would help too
better to be safe then sorry! miss you baby boy we will scratch into the greats in the sky one day!
I use the Indian rubber balls.which are lacrosse balls. Had no problem. Never unattended.
I give my hounds the toughest Kong ball they make i believe it is called super Kong it is black but they will still chew it up if left with it to long play it safe keep an eye on them with it I usually give it to them for 20 min every other day during a keep
Any tricks to get 1 to bite on a Kong that doesn't show interest?
Some just don't like it. If you put something in they just lick it out lol.
Yeah in these parts if u own a bulldog your going to pay or they try to have you fix them!The vet that we always use is now up there in age 70 plus so he no longer will preform major opperations,and this other place is a major pain in the rear-end!
Offered the grand as i thought that was fair,but was told they could take that as a down payment!!Smdh
Didnt wanna see my buddy suffer any longer so we did what we thought was the right thing to do at the time and had him put down! The hardest thing to do ever was to put such a good one down one that was looked at thru the eyes of some greats and they have all said the same thing, you have you a bulldog there!!!
And the Kong company is well awear of the fact that their toys kills peoples pets as they told me they get calls like this all the time! Smdh
None the less if allowed to play with a kong toy for a few and then removed from them i think you should not have to many worries!