Wanted to know a little about this bulldog
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Wanted to know a little about this bulldog
Was a Great Dog CH ROM
What else do we know about him. Traits record?
Anyone know who ch red man went into? Also any more info on Cunningham’s dogs?
amen. style traits?
Game hound, smart, average ability, solid producer. These hounds Tom are putting on the set aren't the same...
Do you think its inbreeding depression or just bad stock to begin with. What I have isn't related so if he's choosing solid stock the traits should be locked and I get a solid brood dog. I have a shy late starter. I think he will be a solid dog when he matures. He needs a female with some get up and go. I don't want a hot, dumb, plug redboy dog. I am happy with the mix so far, but i need an out. I was thinking either dog down from crews rocky. Plus i don't want to add a bunch of size I'm trying to get it down.
If your question on the breeding is with respect to the shy, late hound, I consider those traits faults. With that being said, I would say "bad stock". Breeding on hounds with these traits will produce offspring that carry it as recessive trait and others will show it as dominate in an F2 breeding. If you are looking for bulldogs bred bulldogs.
This is one of the reasons a lot of kats don't sell hounds to the public. A lot of us have taken grate care to manage our yards, and the though of watching someone put a band aid on a gun shot wound, would put me in my bag. For sure!
I think that I would fall back and find something closer to what your looking for. It will save you a lot of time and money in the long run. Not sure how old your male is but your talking about a min of 2 years waiting on a gyp to prove she is worth being breeding. Toss another 2 years on the offspring. Now your 4 years in and a min of $2500 for the gyp minus the bull shit to take a step backwards. Spend some time reading through some of information on the forum and you will gain a different perspective. I honestly think that the breeding discussions are generally very informative.
I have a F off Garners Rb 6 months old as out going as can be afraid of nothing happy so far.
Seen a cottingham bitch off Crews Rocky shy as shit. She was a bulldog through and through and also produced. I’ve heard the shyness is common in the cottingham stuff. I also have a pup off TGs Redboy showing good signs. Time will of course tell what she really is.
I met the Cottingham brothers a couple of times. Went to a show they put on. They were mostly into just breeding good game dogs first and foremost.
When they got one they liked it was onto the show win or lose. They kept no curs or untried dogs that I knew of. Were good friends with Mr. M. Gainey/Carolina Kitten and bought and exchanged dogs etc. They also used some of Mr. Brantley Miller's Paladin/Red Boy dogs etc. Later on I believe they tried some Carver or Carver/Red Boy stuff from J.C. Rowl. They were more so into show and go dogs and not just a bunch of pretty papered dogs.
Sadly in later years the younger brother died from cancer. Doubt they are active today and Garner bought that last Red Boy dog and has straws off it. Which I think is the above mention Cottingham's Red Man or a inbred dog off him. Cheers
I am still to this day very close with Durant. You are correct, Glenn passed away some years ago. Durant is no longer in the dogs. They were never farmers. Durant is still a truck driver. Correct, they were very selective on their dogs. I've had over 50 dogs directly from Durant and still have them to this day. I may have had 1 or 2 shy dogs from the line. But all-in-all they are very outgoing, chain runners that are super intense. YIS, Hollywood
I think this was in response to my question. When i say shy late starting I'm saying it with respect to the grandfather that I owned. This dogs mother was similar, but was more smart and reserved, super stubborn. A day came and a light switch clicked on. She is still smart and has almost human judgement. This son of hers is going to be strong as an ox but has his mothers temprament. If his day comes and he starts he will be a monster with his mothers style and his fathers style. I take great care with what I was given. Thats why I see the potential in the dog and don't see it as, "he's a cold dog. put a bullet in him." He's double bred on his mother. If the trait comes out he should be able to pass it. I hear you on wasting time. I know when I have something worth building on. I think I understand what i have. I'm looking for some blood that is an out that can make a better dog. I have six dogs. Three males. three females. Each one is a brick that offers something different. They are relatated and I need to find some "air" to keep traits and vigor. Cottingham dogs and rocky dogs are an option. Theres a half snooty red pirate dog I was looking at. I'm a perfectionist when I say shy this isn't the tail tuck run from you on the chain shy. This is the sits and comes to you slowly not aggressive, but stand offish personality like his mother. She's they type to kill a dog in an accident then play with a cat later that day. I have respect for people and their work and do not put dogs into hands I don't trust.
Ditto Hollywood RBK. I went back and edited that part out. Reason I thought they were Farmers. Was that the show was on a place that looked like maybe a farm. Memory may be incorrect, seems they had a big turn table mounted on a Farm tractor rear end or something to that effect. One of the brothers wore something over his nose at least that one night. Was told he had cancer so just assumed was maybe from so much sun exposure that Farmers are exposed to.
Were you by any chance there that night, many years ago? When M. Gainey's Sons put a bad whooping on maybe the Miller man (not Mr. Brantley Miller). He had knowing sold Mr. Gainey a cur dog. Guy kept running off at the mouth just asking for it. Like he would have preferred the whipping than give the money back.
That guy had his head rattled big time. Those sons of Melvin had fought Golden Gloves for a number of years. A friend of mine Rocky Nelson now deceased. Had to help break it up. Cheers
He made a decision to pursue his passion, and hasn’t been in the hounds for a long time. I am going to respect his privacy and keep my input to the line off dogs, not his biography.
I was not present for that. I'll be with Durant on 3-12. Going to visit him. We've been friends for years, just because he isn't in the dogs anymore, doesn't mean the friendship stopped. Besides we each share another mutual passion, drag cars.
This probably depends on a lot of things. Someone told me that Boudreaux used to let the public have first pick out of litters he bred. In the end the shy dogs stayed. He worked them and succeeded with them and it got bred in the line. I breed for myself first. I place dogs with people close. Any man aggressive dog will get put down. Sometimes I put shyer pups in pet homes. I choose the pup that follows naturally. Keeps his or her tail high in the group. I think I end up with a confident pup. If you go to Garner maybe the pup was one of the last ones left. Sometimes shy is environment. From my short experience breeding the reserved pup has been smart and not balls to the wall. I cant deal much with the run from you and piss on themselves shy. For some reason this mix of reserved stubborn as hell and late started has equalled monster that doesn't panic and keeps their head as opposed to the run in a get killed aggression.
For some reason I bet I could ask Garner if he could reserve a confident female out of his Cottingham litter he would.
Hello HollywoodRBK. Do you and Durant do any racing on the Darlington International Drag Strip. They run all types of dragsters. Even some jet engine type dragsters in the past.
Have we ever met years back by any chance? Probably with V. Jackson. I was his silent partner more or less. We bred and shared dogs back and forth etc. Cheers
Have you dealt with buck or bear dogs.
Rule and his Infamous line is IMO the best of it.
How can you get up with them?
People around me are enamored with Eli. Eli. Eli. Any success comes from mouth. Mouth. Mouth. Biting. Mouth. I walking my own path. Making a mix of dogs. You can have bulldogs with stable temperaments and be successful in many different contests. No one runs that stuff here so I hit the road.
I'm looking at options. I need an outcross. Prob replace a crews female I has as a cross. Looking at garner titere cottingham crosses.
How was bear and buck out of the family.