Top quality canned meat dog food with added supplements in a keep???
Here is another feed subject to ponder over. I have seen this done by Rowell many years back. Did not know if Rowell was using this feed during a pre keep to reduce weight. Are He used the canned dog food meat all the way through the total work program. Yet it might have been a temporary ploy to confuse some of his competitions,ones that wanted to come over every week. To hopefully check out how his dog was progressing. Sure he nipped that in the bud after one too many unnecessary visits. LOL
At that time knowing very little about feeding a dog. I could only wonder that maybe the moisture to protein/fat content would be similar to raw flesh like a wild dog eats. Except it had been cooked. Once again maybe proper enzymes/correct level of fats/greens/etc. could be added to offset what was lost in the cooking process.
Have been told some dog men had used canned/kibble dog food combo to condition a dog for a dog show. Anyone seen this type feed keep used or with added kibble with any success. Cheers