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Thread: How to change how the site looks?

  1. #1

    WTF? How to change how the site looks?

    How do I get the forum to look like a normal forum instead of just a bunch of words going all down my screen? Looks awful and is crazy hard to follow, find or do anything.

    I should just be able to change the view like you can anywhere else but when I change it to desert or terminator light nothing happens or changes.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Screenshot_20240313_111342_Gallery.jpg  

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by AGK View Post
    How do I get the forum to look like a normal forum instead of just a bunch of words going all down my screen? Looks awful and is crazy hard to follow, find or do anything.

    I should just be able to change the view like you can anywhere else but when I change it to desert or terminator light nothing happens or changes.
    clear & refresh your browser history and log into this is the only url that should be used
    if you bookmarked https it will not work

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by AGK View Post
    How do I get the forum to look like a normal forum instead of just a bunch of words going all down my screen? Looks awful and is crazy hard to follow, find or do anything.

    I should just be able to change the view like you can anywhere else but when I change it to desert or terminator light nothing happens or changes.
    Has this resolved for you?

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