In this day and age the game is not the same and I think we can all agree to that. I love few things more then being in the company of real dogmen. So I guess my question is, is there anyway to keep fraternity tighter and the riff raffs at bay?
In this day and age the game is not the same and I think we can all agree to that. I love few things more then being in the company of real dogmen. So I guess my question is, is there anyway to keep fraternity tighter and the riff raffs at bay?
Yes, the same way you keep your dogs high-percentage, and that is by judicious selection.Originally Posted by dance all night rece
This is pretty much what I am trying to do with this community here, is create a place where sincere dog folks can come and get/bring valuable info, chat & debate about dogs, etc., all the while keeping it fun and civil.
jack i agree with you 100% the other day i was on the other site there was 1 post were there was i believe like 3 or 4 pages of real BS i was like is this what i paid for a butch of idiots talking about nothing that had to do with dogs at all so if there is anything i can do so be it (BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS WE HAVE TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR ACTION ,AND DEEDS AND TAKE IT FROM THERE )just my opinion .
Rece ....
Second post by CheddaBob = Second Warning Issued + 1 week ban.
Bob, I told you to read the rules before you posted again, but apparently you either don't like to listen or you just cannot control your mouth. That's fine, the deletion of any member who wants to conduct himself like this to other members is just a toilet-flush away.
- Note: I do NOT want anyone else to come running their mouths at "CheddaBob" after I make this post here, so please don't. Let it go.
Bob has a one week "time out" to re-consider his attitude, and if this kind of thing happens again, he will be permanently flushed, it's that simple.
There is absolutely no need to launch this kind of attack on other members. You don't have to like everybody here, but at least keep it to yourself (or in private) and don't spoil the atmosphere.
Thanks for reading, and my apologies to all about the negativity.
Thats the spirit Jack. keep it respectable.