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Hi scary you need to call a facility that does the freezing and take the dog to them and either make sure they
have a bitch in heat or bring one your self, and then once they have taken the semen they analise it and
depending on the amount of semen given and what is left after the tests ,they will give you a motility report on the
fresh semen and its health ,and if its a good quality for freezing or not(that depends on various factors ,but the
age of the dog is usually the reason the semen is not as good as it once was , and may not survive the
freezing and thawing process ,and also factors like recent infection or steriod use etc) but if the dog is
in good health and is between 2 yrs and 6 yrs of age ( this is the age range they suggest as the best
for getting good strong semen for this process) then if they have enough semen they will freeze it for
you in either pellets or straws .
If you wanted to take the semen without taking the stud to a facilty, then you would need a fresh semen kit
take the semen following the instructions and then take it to the facilty were they would check the semen as
above ,but you would need to make an appointment so that you go as soon as possible after taking the semen
within an hour or two and certainley the same day if possible, but if you can go with the dog to a facilty and
do it there it would be better .