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Thread: Verry active dog

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  1. #1

    Verry active dog

    Hi all,

    Got a verry active dog , chasing hole day long from left to the right in his kennel.
    So by this she's losing to mutch weight.

    So my question , what do you guys suggest ?


  2. #2
    Feed twice a day ...

  3. #3
    If a dog loses more calories then it consumes. What should be done

  4. #4
    Hej jack , allready feeding twice a day.
    In the morning 250gr and in the evening 250gr "Dog lovers gold".


  5. #5
    Nut is right: If what you're feeding is not enough, increase what you're feeding.

    You can add fats/oils too ...

    You should also check for parasites.

    Many people who say they "worm" their dogs do not do so correctly ...

    If you give incorrect dosages of wormers, you've not wormed your dogs at all; you've only built resistance to drugs in the worms they have.

    Good luck,


  6. #6
    Ok thnx for the reply.
    Olive oil would be good ?

  7. #7
    Use animal fats ... chicken fat ... salmon oil, etc.

  8. #8
    8-9 oz... Twice a day. Isn't all that much food depending on the dog. I got a few that need almost twice that depending on the conditions. Though i feed once a day. I also feed kibble and find supplementing them with enzymes, amino acids, salmon oil and kelp helps them process their kibble better but also gives me an all around healthier dog systemically and visually.

    Also. Dog lovers gold is 26/18. Have u thought of getting a kibble with a higher amount of fat and protein in it? Like a 30/20?

  9. #9
    What i noticed is that those crazy active dogs can get alot calmer if you take it for a long walk couple times a week. Some dogs runs around all day due to stress. Just running the kennel wont release the energy he builds up. So i would feed twice a day and take him on long walks regulary. Good luck with him.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by skipper View Post
    What i noticed is that those crazy active dogs can get alot calmer if you take it for a long walk couple times a week. Some dogs runs around all day due to stress. Just running the kennel wont release the energy he builds up. So i would feed twice a day and take him on long walks regulary. Good luck with him.
    Bingo!......these dogs need walks/constructive workouts.The chain is mindless if that's all they do.

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