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  1. #1

    Chicken quarter's

    My question:

    Is 2-4% of body weight in chicken quarters ... only

    with adding additional organ meat every few days a full diet.


    I started feeding raw a year and half ago:

    I have been switching it up between chicken quarters with RMB ( raw meaty bone ); and also feeding whole raw quail and chicken with feathers and all from local slaughterhouse with vitamin supplementation.

    I know whole animals is ideal. But as a staple too a diet is chicken quarters, extra bone and guts alone, enough.

    - thanks in advance

  2. #2
    2-4% is within my range, but I feed whole chiken about 4lb weight divided in four portions. Plus 70gr per day of liver etc. I also supplement with a few tablespoons of greek yogurt, an egg, and olive oil, every day or every other day depending on weather, dog's weight and my estimation towards body weight direction.
    I do preffer the RMB diet to BARF by far as a thought of design, but I am not comfortable with having my dog chewing for eg cow bones on a daily basis, I feel it would ruin its teeth, so I feel covered with chiken bones and the egg calcium wise.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by tasoschatz View Post
    2-4% is within my range, but I feed whole chiken about 4lb weight divided in four portions. Plus 70gr per day of liver etc. I also supplement with a few tablespoons of greek yogurt, an egg, and olive oil, every day or every other day depending on weather, dog's weight and my estimation towards body weight direction.
    I do preffer the RMB diet to BARF by far as a thought of design, but I am not comfortable with having my dog chewing for eg cow bones on a daily basis, I feel it would ruin its teeth, so I feel covered with chiken bones and the egg calcium wise.
    I agree, that make's sense to me, I try to mostly only give extra chicken bones and occasionally use lamb or beef bone.

    Is chicken quarters by themselves with additional organ meat a full diet?

  4. #4
    I personally add a veggie mix. I know some raw feeders don't do this, but dogs *do* eat berries, grasses, etc. and I think it should be in there too.

    Lotta vitamins and trace minerals in veggies that are NOT in meats ... so if you don't add veggies, you should probably be adding a multi-vitamin IMO.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post
    I personally add a veggie mix. I know some raw feeders don't do this, but dogs *do* eat berries, grasses, etc. and I think it should be in there too.

    Lotta vitamins and trace minerals in veggies that are NOT in meats ... so if you don't add veggies, you should probably be adding a multi-vitamin IMO.

    Cool thanks Jack,

    So to be clear, while not ideal:

    Chicken quarters by themselves with additional organ meat and multi-vitamin supp is a full diet ?

    I am going to stick with what I have been doing, I just wanted to know the most basic diet.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanDogMan View Post
    Cool thanks Jack,

    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanDogMan View Post
    So to be clear, while not ideal:
    Chicken quarters by themselves with additional organ meat and multi-vitamin supp is a full diet ?
    To be clear, I have no way to know.

    I don't know what "additional organ meat" consists of exactly, how much, or how often, so there is no way for me to provide a definitive answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanDogMan View Post
    I am going to stick with what I have been doing, I just wanted to know the most basic diet.
    What you're doing sounds okay, but I don't know the frequency you're doing anything so it's hard to say for sure.

    The most basic, complete diet there is ... is whole, raw animals.
    Yet even when dogs eat this in nature (rabbits, pheasant, quail, eggs, etc.), they still eat berries, grasses, a fallen apple, etc.

    I personally add the veggie mix. I've done the "vitamin only" thing, with some rice, a vitamin, and some oil, but I don't like it as well.

    So I have always added a veggie mix. Always have, always will.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CA Jack View Post

    To be clear, I have no way to know.

    I don't know what "additional organ meat" consists of exactly, how much, or how often, so there is no way for me to provide a definitive answer.

    What you're doing sounds okay, but I don't know the frequency you're doing anything so it's hard to say for sure.

    The most basic, complete diet there is ... is whole, raw animals.
    Yet even when dogs eat this in nature (rabbits, pheasant, quail, eggs, etc.), they still eat berries, grasses, a fallen apple, etc.

    I personally add the veggie mix. I've done the "vitamin only" thing, with some rice, a vitamin, and some oil, but I don't like it as well.

    So I have always added a veggie mix. Always have, always will.

    Got it...

    Well, my question was a general one. After reading the post it seems best to not look toward a most basic solution.

    I like the idea of adding apple's and berries and will do so.

    Complete background

    What I purchase weekly

    I buy 10 pound bags of chicken quarters and packs of chicken livers and turkey necks. Occasionally I purchase ground beef. I also purchase live chickens, quail and rabbit from the local slaughterhouse. Enough for half the week, have them killed but left whole (feathers fur and all). I break up each days meal into there own bags... And throw into the freezer. I also purchase vitamin paste chicken flavor.

    How I feed

    I rotate between chicken quarters with a handful of guts and whole raw animals

    I feed right after my dinner time... I then go out feed whatever pack of food I grabbed first out of the freezer the night before and let thaw in the slop sink. I then feed each dog the appropriate amount. When I go to clean up and hose down, I tell or motion for each dog to go home and wait for me to finish, for doing so they each get a bit of vitamin paste (which they love ).

    I come in wash my hands, take out enough food out of the freezer for the next day leave it in the sink and go on about my night.

    Puppies get fed twice a day first thing in the morning something easy and small. Usually left over uncooked cut off fat, skin, gut bones or some meat I had my wife leave to the side when she cooked our dinner the night before. She's knows how much to leave in the bottom shelf of the fridge.

    -so that sums it up.

    Imma stick to this and add a apple every other day. Unless you all see something I need to add

    - thanks in Advance

  8. #8
    I am all for adding some specific greens mostly, but since I keep my dogs inhouse and for some reason greens make them to need to empty more than once per day, I preffer the tighter ass situation, lol. It did take some time to have everybody emptying on the same time everyday according to walks, so...

  9. #9
    Chicken quarters alone is not balanced but it would not be the end of the world. I use the veggie mix myself. I lean toward the whole prey version of complete small animals when I can but it is not as cost effective for me. The reason I do the veggies is I believe the guts/innards of the whole prey items have those grains/veggies. So if I am doing something other than whole prey I would like to add the veggie mix along with some oils. I also use green tripe as well. It has the enzymes that break down the stuff dogs do not break down that well. With the tripe in the veggie mix it is closer to whole prey without being whole prey. (in theory)

    I am not an expert on whether the tripe's enzymes breaks down the veggie mixes to the point (based on the speed of the dog's digestive tract) it is the same as getting it from the tract of another plant eating animal but it does make me think I am doing all I can/the best that I can. That leads me to the warm fuzzies, and then I use the multi vitamin to get all the way over to the warm fuzzy feeling.

    I made a post earlier about how I once fed straight meats. Any and everything. No veggies outside of a keep. No supplements outside of a keep. The meats were varied, pretty much anything found in a butcher shop/grocery store. There was no rhyme nor reason of what they got, just whatever came out of the bucket as I passed by. The dogs looked good, were active, were healthy and I was happy with what I was doing. Later I learned I was nowhere near a balance. It was free and I considered it better than bag food. With a little more knowledge back then (1991-92) I could have really took advantage of the free meats.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    Chicken quarters alone is not balanced but it would not be the end of the world. I use the veggie mix myself. I lean toward the whole prey version of complete small animals when I can but it is not as cost effective for me. The reason I do the veggies is I believe the guts/innards of the whole prey items have those grains/veggies. So if I am doing something other than whole prey I would like to add the veggie mix along with some oils. I also use green tripe as well. It has the enzymes that break down the stuff dogs do not break down that well. With the tripe in the veggie mix it is closer to whole prey without being whole prey. (in theory)

    I am not an expert on whether the tripe's enzymes breaks down the veggie mixes to the point (based on the speed of the dog's digestive tract) it is the same as getting it from the tract of another plant eating animal but it does make me think I am doing all I can/the best that I can. That leads me to the warm fuzzies, and then I use the multi vitamin to get all the way over to the warm fuzzy feeling.

    I made a post earlier about how I once fed straight meats. Any and everything. No veggies outside of a keep. No supplements outside of a keep. The meats were varied, pretty much anything found in a butcher shop/grocery store. There was no rhyme nor reason of what they got, just whatever came out of the bucket as I passed by. The dogs looked good, were active, were healthy and I was happy with what I was doing. Later I learned I was nowhere near a balance. It was free and I considered it better than bag food. With a little more knowledge back then (1991-92) I could have really took advantage of the free meats.
    Thanks EWO,

    Yes I am convinced I should be adding/giving a little handful (not a staple but little), side green salad fruit veggie oil mix in a separate bucket. I'm on top of it.

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