Thought today I would play the devil's advocate. See where this topic would go. LOL Near the end of my time in the dogs. Thought of just using a very good dog food kibble with added supplements. Try and by pass any raw meats. Can only wonder if other known dog men have went this route with good success over all. I had built some excellent mills and excess to private places to walk my dogs. I had planned to try out this method in some prekeeps. But never got around to it.
Now we know from Ca. Jack's kibble research,that a kibble with excellent ingredients like EVO kibble could be good. If the moisture content had not been to low. Not that Ca. Jack was advocating a kibble over a raw feed diet. Was just giving facts on the worse to the over all best kibble feeds.
Now it appears that even with good to a excellent ingredients listing and good moisture. What is lacking is what is destroyed in the cooking process. Mainly enzymes and the macrobiotic factor. I do not know for sure if a macrobiotic formula is added last or during the cooking process. If during the cooking process is probably made of no effect. Yet it will still be listed in the kibble fromula.
I would think the proteins and amino acid profile with the fats would be kept intact. Since boiled eggs are more beneficial than eating raw ones since a biotin deficiency can occur overtime.
So lets start with Dog lovers Gold kibble. Add depending on the size of dog, one to two boiled eggs. One to two heaping table spoons of Desiccated Liver and Debitter Brewers Yeast. These would help complete any incomplete proteins in the kibble. Fortify the B-Vitams and help build the blood count. A capful of liquid Geritol helps build the blood count as well. J. Crenshaw used Sorbitol,others used Red Cell.
Some cloves of crushed garlic/kale and spinach greens. The Green Tripe to enhance the macrobiotics formula and improve digestion. Some Flax oil etc. as needed to enhance the oils in the kibble formula. With that said. Work the dog to weight and add the kibble as needed to stay on weight through whole keep. On last forth into last three rest days. Dog is being fed on a 28 to 30 hour feed cycle to assure all stool is out of the lower bowels of the dog.
One of the reasons I have thought about this many times. Was when I got into the dogs as a green horn along with A. Howle. We knew nothing about feeding a dog for a keep. All dog men in our area,with what ever breed of dogs. Predominately used Jim Dandy dog kibble. The Fox and Coon hunters hunted their dogs a lot. With no apparent problems. Back then this Jim Dandy dog food had a lot of animal protein and used only corn kibble as the carbohydrate base/filler.
In our keep we used this dog food along with pretty much the supplements mentioned above. Even added one Hoe cake cooked in bacon grease in each feeding. Dog would about take your hand off to eat that hoe cake. LOL
We worked the dog hard. It held up real good in the keep. Stayed on weight and was very strong till three weeks near the end of keep. One thing we had no proper knowledge of and access too. Was the whip side worming medication. Our dog came down with the whip worms, gums went from blood red to pink. Took to vet and wormed, rested a few days and right back to the work.
This dog gave a excellent account of it'self, did not run hot. Mr. Teal told us later that a whip worm worming that late in the keep could be hard on a dog. Mr. Teal taught us how to worm out a dog,what medications to use at that time. Later Don Mayfield came out with a better worming schedule that was printed in SDJ. Access to better dog worming medications today and using that worm schedule of Mayfields. A dog should have no worm problems in any type of dog keep used today.
Said all that to say this. It seemed the more I thought I knew and was trying all sorts of things. When I knew nothing except for the worming knowledge. With hard work and giving the dog rest days we were doing much better over all. LOL Cheers