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Thread: missing hair around the eyes

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  1. #1

    missing hair around the eyes

    i have a 2 year old bitch that has hair missing around the eyes any way that the hair might regrow she is a maydayxgrunt cross and i never have seen that in any mayday dogs or grunt dogs. any info would be appreciated thanks

  2. #2
    first thing i think of is demodex. sometimes its been pretty bad and the hair doesnt regrow. even tho they no longer have the mite.

  3. #3
    It may be a food allergy. What are you using for feed? If you're feeding kibble, you may want to change over to a balanced raw diet.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by erik440 View Post
    i have a 2 year old bitch that has hair missing around the eyes any way that the hair might regrow she is a maydayxgrunt cross and i never have seen that in any mayday dogs or grunt dogs. any info would be appreciated thanks

    Is the hair loss "spotty" ... meaning in random places ... or is the hair loss symmetrical about both eyes ... meaning are both eyes/sides pretty much identical in hair loss?

    The reason why I ask is random hair loss tends to signify either mange or a fungal infection ... while symmetrical hair loss tends to mean autoimmune problems and/or allergies.


  5. #5
    symmetrical just on both eyes no other place. i tried feeding raw and it helped some but it still is not fully grown out yet.

  6. #6
    Could you post some photos? Some times in certain dogs, because of hair color and skin color, the area around the eyes appears somewhat bold. For example dogs with chocolate cinnamon color and almost pink skin look like this.
    Not the best photos but peds are easy to copy paste compared to other photos. I have seen it in black dogs also.

  7. #7
    probably wasnt demodex then if its symmetrical

  8. #8
    If the dog is on a high energy kibble with lots of proteins, it could be that. I have had dogs that lost lots of hair around their ears and eyes when fed performance kibble. Switched to raw and the problem went away, as all problems..

  9. #9
    The only time I've seen dogs lose like hair like that is when they were crated a lot. Some of the dogs I've gotten from the northern US that were used to living in crates all had hair loss around their eyes for some reason. I just assumed it was something to do with not enough sun due to the fact that after they arrived here, and were outside for their time here, the hair grew back without any issue.

  10. #10
    i keep it in a 10x10 kennel with shade on top and to keep the rain out

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