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Thread: Pit Dog Savior

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  1. #1

    Pit Dog Savior

    Has any one read the Pit Dog Savior?

  2. #2
    I hope that the people on this forum know not to purchase this book, it is filled with half truths and lies.
    Last edited by S_B; 01-20-2015 at 06:19 AM.

  3. #3
    I read the book I thought it was a Great book For entertainment Purposes only of course

  4. #4
    @John P. Lebron
    I have his book - colour edition - and read it. To me it was an entertaining read and therefore I liked it. Only the religious part at the end of the book was a little bit too much for my taste and would be something I would recommend future readers to skip if they are not really into religion. Whether his fictional accounts correspond to those of others, I don't know. What I heard was that some people accused him of name-dropping and therefore disliked Rick Hihath's work.

    You state the book is filled with half trues and lies. Can you give some examples?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Lasse View Post
    @John P. Lebron
    I have his book - colour edition - and read it. To me it was an entertaining read and therefore I liked it. Only the religious part at the end of the book was a little bit too much for my taste and would be something I would recommend future readers to skip if they are not really into religion. Whether his fictional accounts correspond to those of others, I don't know. What I heard was that some people accused him of name-dropping and therefore disliked Rick Hihath's work.

    You state the book is filled with half trues and lies. Can you give some examples?

    I will not comment further on this book, it has gotten enough attention as it is. What I said is true. And the part high lighted in your post is also true.

    I choose not to purchase this book or accept a free copy.


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