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  1. #1


    Has anyone used this with success..please share your experience..?

    From another board..

    Hi folks,worry about 'vaccinosis(serious side effects vaccines)?Buy 35 % FOOD GRADE H2O2,DILUTE TILL 1%,and mist/spray your pups/dogs/kennels one time a day.Next,ONLY PLASTIC,GLASS,STAINLESS STEEL water bowls add 2 or 3 drops 35% H2O2 at all times for drink(best is osmosis or real filtered water if not doesn't matter much).They do this now on organic chicken and pig farms and NEVER have chicken or swine flu and all whatsoever.Don't worry about the dogs picking up something outside of the premises,the stuff works at all times if administered in this way.It kills virus,bacteria,fungus, parasites,name it in a billionth of a second after being in touch with it and as long as you use FOOD GRADE H2O2.Thanks!P.S.I only vaccinate to comply with stupid laws when travel with my dogs,if else,NO WAY!Another good thing is,NEVER EVER USE ALLOPATHIC MAINSTREAM MEDICS ON YOU OR YOUR DOGS,cause they're designed to make the share holders happy,not us.

    Hi guys,let's keep this to the dogs first.H2o2 at the cellulare level splits into water and O-(an extreme free radical/ Oxidant which kills anything not oke in the body/environment in a billionth of a second) when it meets Catalase.Now,our dogs have only 11% of the human amount of catalase so I didn't experiment with the I.V. on them.However,misting pens,kennels including the pups/dogs with a 1-3 % solution H2O2/osmose or distilled water for example through this timed misters/air humidifiers 2 times a day and 1-3 drops 35 %(ALWAYS FOOD GRADE) in their daily water bowl (ONLY PLASTIC OR STAINLESS STEEL) will get rid of,internal parasites,skin problems,virus(no need to vaccinate,no need for antibiotics),bacteria,cancer,in short anything which shouldn't be there.Another thing is,it boosts the immune system instead of compromising it the way allopatic medicine(especially vaccins) does.An allround,inner and outer environment cleaner,safe (follow the rules) and cheap.The I.V. dose is about 0.5 ml per liter fluid.For dogs I'd try 0.1 ml per liter.However safer for our dogs is I.V. 10 GRAMS pure injectable Vitamine C mixed with 150 ml fluid daily.Vit C at the cellulaire level immediately converts to H2O2 all the same.My friends took 75 grams pure vit C daily I.V..If never before taken chemo and or radiation ,a near100 % cure rate.Youtube Dr.Coldwell and others, H2O2 I.V. clinics etc. if you have a problem yourselves.You want to die a horrible and extremely uncomfortable not to mention insanely expensive death?Go by your "doctor"(=big pharma),if not,there are a thousand things fixing us,and our dogs up safe and cheap.Just focus and research.Thanks!P.S.A session vit c at a clinic in USA costs about 600(!)$.Here I bought it at 1.5 $ 10 ml from the race horse track pharmacy and did it myself.

  2. #2
    BUMP - Anyone that can support this?

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