Pfff what a shit We were really interested in chipotle.
I hope he will get them back and dont end up in jail again.
The man just puts himself in horrible positions. There's a lot to be said about his poor judgement as a dogman.
He basically got popped for doing nothing. What was his crime? No visible or recent marks, no box, no mill, just a breeding stand.
The neighbors heard "dogs barking" ... and that means he was fighthing them? WTF?
I'd like to see anybody try to raise 26 dogs in their back yard, of any breed, and not hear "dogs barking" at times ... lol
It's not what he's doing now, we all know that. It's the things he's been convicted for in the past.
Did he receive a ban for keeping dogs from the first time round ? If so, then hearing dogs bark is all that his neighbours would need to inform on him.
They even tried to make what they did look good by bringing up a bust he clearly B.B had nothing to do with. Them hoe ass neighbors call the police and got the man dog took and now they are trying to say he fight dogs. BULLSHIT! It don't say no were in they law book that you can't own a mill of a breeding stand. Now that man gone spend a lot of money to get his stuff back for nothing.sad sad sad!
If they don't charge him, what basis do they have for keeping his dogs?