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Thread: Pregnant bitch stop eating

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  1. #1

    Pregnant bitch stop eating

    Brought my bitch on the inside for the last 10 days and soon as I did she stop eating. She has only ate maybe 2 cups of dog food the last 5 days. She is do tomorrow and she is not big as she was, she acts the same just wants to lay around but she is not eating enough for the pups (imo)
    Is there a problem here??...she i take her to the vet or is this normal??

  2. #2
    You might have to give her things she cant resist like ground beef/ chicken leg quarters etc.. My female stopped eating her normal food about 3 days out from pregnancy and i had to feed her more meat to get calories in..

  3. #3
    Lots of bitches come off food right before they're ready.

    Take her temperature to see what it is (usually drops right before delivery). If you're nervous, a vet exam won't hurt, but unless something is seriously wrong the best thing you can do is keep her calm and quiet. If she gets anxiety in the crate, then open the door and let her run loose so she's happy. When the time comes, she will go in the crate on her own.


  4. #4
    I kno they stop eating when they are a couple of days out but it's been 5 days!...she has dropped a couple of pounds!..I kno I took her out of her environment but she should be adjusted by now..if she not eating then the pups will start feeding off of her fat and things can get real ugly then!!...she's drinking water but she's tripping on the's like she is sad cause she's not outside...crazy

  5. #5
    I see. Well, it won't hurt to get an exam.

    Or, if you have one, put her out in an above-ground pen and see if she goes back to normal. (You can also put her back into her regular chain spot to see if she goes back to normal or not.)

    Have you ever socialized this bitch, or is this the first time she's ever seen the inside of a house?


  6. #6
    She stayed in the may be two months of her whole life...she's about 3yrs old now...I'm building an above ground kennel as I'm speaking...for now I have a nice area set up in the inside for her...when I take her out to use the bathroom she runs around just fine...she a good, good hound!..she will not use the bathroom in the house or tear shit dog I ever had in the house...she's is do today or tomorrow depending on when she took. Just want to make sure in doing everything on my part to make sure the pups are born and healthy

  7. #7
    Good for you, and wish you (and her) the best of luck

  8. #8
    Have you tried feeding her outside?

    I don't know too many dogs that resist ground beef, chicken livers, and fried chicken... Putting a little crappy canned food over her kibble helps too. It's kinda weird but sometimes dogs will eat absolute crap and enjoy it. Try sprinkling the crappiest food you can find on her good kibble(beneful works great here for getting a dog to eat). Just use a little so she will get mostly good kibble.

  9. #9
    As soon as I made my last post she started dropping them...she has had 4 (hoping for one more) 3 females, 1 male...thks for all the response..

  10. #10
    Update, please, how's everybody doing?

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