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Thread: *** 2 Bulldogs up for stud ***

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  1. #1

    *** 2 Bulldogs up for stud ***

    Going to open These 2 back up for stud publicly for a while now that my breeding's are done here for the year.

    Both are 100% solid hounds. Both are registered through ADBA. Both are located in NWPA.

    Geachison lacks NOTHING and Charlie's only flaw is his average mouth piece but he makes up for it and then some in the heart department.

    No dogs from my kennel were purchased, nor are bred, raised, or sold for any illegal purposes. All dogs in my kennel are used in legal activities including but not limited to conformation, weight pull, obedience, treadmill racing, and other non illegal activities. I do not own any dog that was knowingly used in any illegal activities before or after they were in my possession. I do not condone the use of any dogs in any illegal activities whatsoever. Dog fighting is a felony in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, punishable by up to 5 years in prison, and a fine of $250,000 due to the 2007 Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act. The Federal Animal Welfare Act prohibits the interstate transport of dogs for fighting purposes. Therefore, participating in dog fighting on any level can lead to imprisonment. I am not interested in going to prison at any point in time. Therefore, if you are involved in any illegal activities, including dog fighting, please do not contact my kennel for any reason. If you do contact my kennel despite this message, I will reply with a copy of this message to serve as a reminder.

  2. #2

  3. #3


    Located in Northwestern Pennsylvania. No pup deals, I have my own dogs and don't need anymore unless I produce them. Don't contact me talking stupid either, No dogs bred, raised or sold for illegal purposes. Both are very solid hounds.

  4. #4
    that red dog is a beautiful animal.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by The Old Timer. View Post
    that red dog is a beautiful animal.
    Thanks, He is one good looking hound. Great personality on him too. He acts just like his half sister Lil Miss Geach and her mother Mia. Sweet dogs until it's time to not be...

  6. #6
    I like that Red Smut Geachison. In his 14 generation pedigree line up.. Goes back to Tudor's Dibo 1185 times, Heinzl's Bounce 1035 times and Heinzl's Bambi 1034 times. Boudreaux' Blind Billy 960 times, Boudreaux' Red 363 times and Patrick's Indian Bolio 34 times. Looks like the the ole Tudor Dibo looking dogs to me.

    My dogs went back to same family of dogs just as heavy, including Tudor's Minnie as well. Had some of the same type looking smaller dogs. Did tell V. J. we needed to try a little of that red nose Patrick stuff. Or that Tonka Tombstone stuff. LOL

    Your Charlie dog looks like he would be hard to handle in hot weather. Nice looking set of deep breathing lungs on him. Most brindles I have seen were tough rugged type dogs. Like all those odd off colored dogs.

    Both dogs look just fine to me. Still like the old family Dibo - Colby/Lightner bred Texas bulldogs. If one can condition right, these dogs can git er done. LOL Both mighty fine looking dogs. Good luck in your dog ventures. Cheers

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    I like that Red Smut Geachison. In his 14 generation pedigree line up.. Goes back to Tudor's Dibo 1185 times, Heinzl's Bounce 1035 times and Heinzl's Bambi 1034 times. Boudreaux' Blind Billy 960 times, Boudreaux' Red 363 times and Patrick's Indian Bolio 34 times. Looks like the the ole Tudor Dibo looking dogs to me.

    My dogs went back to same family of dogs just as heavy, including Tudor's Minnie as well. Had some of the same type looking smaller dogs. Did tell V. J. we needed to try a little of that red nose Patrick stuff. Or that Tonka Tombstone stuff. LOL

    Your Charlie dog looks like he would be hard to handle in hot weather. Nice looking set of deep breathing lungs on him. Most brindles I have seen were tough rugged type dogs. Like all those odd off colored dogs.

    Both dogs look just fine to me. Still like the old family Dibo - Colby/Lightner bred Texas bulldogs. If one can condition right, these dogs can git er done. LOL Both mighty fine looking dogs. Good luck in your dog ventures. Cheers
    Charlie is hard to handle in any weather, he'll nail you if you don't let go quick enough, been nipped more than once by him for being to slow and for a dog his size he's a very fast paced screamer. I like him enough to feed though and have no intentions of ever letting him leave here even though I have nothing to breed him too since he isn't what I typically have blood wise. My dogs are bred up more like Geachison. I got him as a 10 week old pup for a stud fee and raised him up right with my daughter very much involved with him and she fell in love with him as he did with her. He only listens to her.

    She's learning though....

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