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Thread: PIT GENERAL & Jessie Rod

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  1. #1

    PIT GENERAL & Jessie Rod

    In some forum it's clear that Jessie Rod had in his kennel the famous pit general .

    So the next breedings he did sure have PIT GENERAL's blood.

    So the question:

    Pit general descendants are so strong and powerfull like the same Pit General?

    Did Any dogs came from his blood do the same of the father ?

    I would know if pit general Was the only one that can be considered the super dog

  2. #2
    There were all sorts of rumors back then as to what happen to Pit General. Just like the Eli dog and the Art dog. For the short time that Pit General was on the scene. He was considered a Super dog according to the ones that saw him go.

    In my time era I considered the Molly Bee bitch to be the Super Bitch of her day. Believe Molly Bee was a Double Grand Champion and refused no challengers. She too got stolen and was heard from no more.

    When dogs like this get stolen, they are usually bred for a short while, papers changed on the breeding's and then sadly destroyed. So unless the original owners got some breeding's off them. The off spring turned out well before they were stolen. No way of knowing if they could produce or not. Usually these type dogs are considered freaks of nature and seldom reproduce themselves.

    Another thought on this matter is unless Jessie Rod was one hell of a bad/ tough/Thug/Crime boss type guy. Mayfield and friends would have visited him. To see if he had Pit General or worked out something to get him back. Was not to long after Pit General was stolen that R. Halliburton and His Friend were found tied up and killed Cuban style. Mayfield seemed to fall apart after that incident. Some thought he was fearing for his life also. Cheers

  3. #3
    Thanks for the info!

    But now for you are there dogs that can be called freak of nature like Pit general or gr ch Art?

    I would know if is they were the only two or if there are now super freak dogs...

    Maybe in Mexico? In USA now is a big problem the hount...

  4. #4
    I do not have the slightest idea who has what today. I quit the dog pulling/hog hunting/ game many years back before it became a federal offense and no longer a State misdemeanor. I have nothing period on my property pertaining to this great breed of dogs. Not even the dog magazines. All of the best dog men I knew in my time era, are either dead, quit the game, in prison, or have gone deep underground.

    Dogs like Pit General pop up in dog history here are there but not very often. These type dogs can come from any bloodline. Most of these dogs have a extra strong prey drive with cannibalistic desires. In other words this type dog is not just trying to show dominance but is actually trying to quickly kill it's prey and eat it. Molly Bee attacked her advisory like a large Male Lion hitting a Zebra at 40mph. Was over before it got started good.

    Back in my day most dog men were not up to date on artificial breeding etc. or could not afford to pay a Vet to do it. So even if these type dogs did not get stolen. Many were impossible to breed. One was the Willie dog brought from Texas by the Ex Pro Wrestler R. Stevenson. Willie was something else. Everyone was afraid to back a bitch up to him. If you muzzled him or touched him would refuse to breed the normal way. The Hank dog would breed but had the same type traits in a dog pull.

    Back then these dogs General/Hank/Willie came out those first breeding's of D. Burton/D. Hathaway and D. Mayfield dogs. So that is only three I knew of among many more dogs bred by these dog men of the past. None of the dogs I got off the Hank dog or Willie had those prey cannibalistic type traits.

    If you ever get a type dog like this. Best keep it chained and inside of a fenced pen to boot. Allow no strangers or children around it. Cheers

  5. #5
    J. Rod had Pit General? Never heard that one.

  6. #6
    Jessy rods did NOT have Pit General But Indian Sunny did!.
    afther Generals second win he was stolen bij a guy who was paid to do so. first he was at Roland Fontenond,s yard then on Indian sunnys yard. I got a audio Tape where Don Mayfield and Maurice carver talk about the indian having him . and are planning to set him up!!. The indian however got a bad feeling and pulled back to the reservation where he staied for 4 years and left the game. afther 4 years he popt up again. he used to have Bolio corvino dogs back then and came back with a yard of black dogs. the most known was Grch Midnight who was owend bij Jessy rods. Midnight is not a son of Pit General thats imposible time whize . but he could be a duble grand son of of General.
    WE knew about Sunny having general a long time ago. and having been instrumental in helping a guy importing some of Jessy rods best dogs overhere and seeing these dogs work. We disieded to make the cross . roufly stated a Alligator x Pit General cross!!. with great sucses.. there is no DIRECT proof of general being bred to the Indian sunny stuf but there is a shit load of indirect evidense. so strong that we dont have any doubt that general is in these dogs.
    As it is General was a great one but not the hypt up ace people today tent to belive he was. in his day and age ghe was. but sins then many a dog as good ore beter has rizzen to the ocaisen to show that..

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