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Thread: Pit bull performs well but loses in the end

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  1. #1

    Pit bull performs well but loses in the end

    First and foremost, this is a story I am repeating, but it is a good one.

    Secondly, I do not consider the pit bull as a guard type dog. There are some but for the most part they have been bred to be people friendly. Thus, lots of them are easily stolen. After working a few dogs in protection years back the 'warm fuzzy feeling' that my untrained dog will protect me if something bad happens is exactly that, a warm fuzzy feeling. The percentage of dogs that will choose fight over flight in those harrowing situations is really low. But with that said, this is the story as it was told to me today.

    I met a young lady who works a 2nd job for my Mom at her restaurant. She is looking for another pit bull puppy so my Mom asks if I would help her find one. Back in the summer hers was seized by animal control and later put down as a dangerous dog. My apologies, a short story has gotten long.

    Her husband is a drunk bum who has violence issues. She kicks him out and he is gone for close to a year. She finds another and they get a pit bull puppy from the newspaper. Kids love it. Great dog. Lives inside. Great little family setting. Dog grows up to be an integral part of the family. And just like in the movies the first husband gets all liquored up and pushes his way in the door during visitation with the kids. He shoved her down and the dog came out of no where and latches onto the oblique area. She showed no love to the 'love handle' portion of his body. She said it took several minutes to get her off and it was several minutes of real hard work.

    The dog was seized and did not like the confines of the animal shelter. It was determined the dog was dangerous and was put down because of its previous action and the way it reacted in the animal shelter cages. Sad day for the dog. Sad day for her family. Sad day for the pit bull.

    I hope the story was true as she seemed like a decent, hardworking Mom. I bought in so deep I gave her a puppy. I may be a sucker for a good dog/sad day story. Either way it was a good story. EWO

  2. #2
    Nice ending to a rather sad story. Shows the character of you my man.

  3. #3
    Subscribed Member Yardboyz's Avatar
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    deep south
    At least you know the dog is in the hands of a family that will take care of it, and you can rest easy know the good deed you've done. Thumbs up man.
    -Listen to the dog, and you'll go further.

  4. #4
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
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    Golden State
    deemed dangerous for protecting her from harm?? must have been a nazi city.... my landlord got snatched up by my housedog while walking in my house un announced.......... fire department, ambulance...the whole 9 yards...... they asked what happened, where it took place & if the dog was vaccinated, called the guy a idiot and kept it moving...............

  5. #5
    Laws differ from state to state, county to county and even town to town. One of the things that most have in common is that when a dog bites it is the responsibility of the owner. (I owned Filas for a while and they are a huge liability so I had to learn a lot about biting laws). As an owner of a Fila I had to make the choice to be judged by twelve than have one of family members being carried by six. In NC if a guy kicks your door in to steal or do harm and your dog bites him you will be responsible for his medical bills and odds are you will be dropped by your homeowners insurance. As backwards as all get out. EWO

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