Recently I was engaged in a conversation over a dog whom the other party emphatically claimed was a cur due to a couple undesirable moves in the show. In this particular instance the dog in question dominated most of the show with some brief swapping out sessions. The dog did growl a few times and at one point while being top dog, with the bottom layed out with a tight grip on a foot which had the top dog protesting a bit, the top dog while out of holds takes a look around and up at his handler. Then goes back to work eventually freeing the foot which had him frustrated.
Out of holds bottom dog scratches a hard stumbling scratch, then next handle top dogs goes fast then bottom dog picked up after second hard stumbling scratch. Is the top dog a cur because of the undesirable moves? This is not about gameness, but rather determining whether or not based on the information given if the top dog can be deemed a cur.