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  1. #1


    Why no one is talking about the SLIME BALL way he was sold!

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Bromboy View Post
    Why no one is talking about the SLIME BALL way he was sold!
    Do elaborate ... maybe not many people know.

  3. #3
    I have no skin in the situation. But when I think of the caliber of this hound and all the hands in the cookie jar and the way this game is played it does NOT surprise me one bit that there may have been some tom foolery involved. To me if a hound has multiple, 2 or 3 hell even 4, names attached to it then I feel the risk is raised. Not everyone is gonna be happy. Someone will always think they are being left out or shorted. And if there happens to be a fall out from anyone in all those camps then shit really is put on red alert. I hope he is and has been done right. He deserves the red carpet. I understand the levels of the game. But not all do and forget this is supposed to be about the fury 4 legged creature and not the smelly dirty green stuff (money not smoke lol). I may be way the F off on it but that's what I'd imagine if there was some sideways dealings there.

  4. #4
    Funk is co-owner with someone else this slimey partner waited until he was out of town to facilitate a sale without permission of his partner funk through someone who used to have something to do titre ( your a slime ball and BUSTER), to sell out of the country.Now if everything was done above board wouldn't funk know? P.s. i ain't talking about who sold funk the dog either those two are stand up men!

  5. #5
    Naw some hating a** people involved who where upset they where no longer involved with the dog,so they pulled off some slimey jux.

  6. #6
    And didn't even keep him. They facilitated a sale and sent him to Mexico. FACT

  7. #7
    Who received the dog in Mexico? Let me guess: BDB

  8. #8

  9. #9
    He made it to Mexico faster than a trick can pull up her pants.. Sad situation to say the least.

  10. #10
    I heard they only paid $15K for arguably the winningest, most accomplished match dog of our time.

    Who would get rid of a dog like that?

    That dog would be with me 24/7 if he were mine.


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