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Thread: Wanting to fix the registered names on the Oscar Stephany dogs.

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  1. #1

    Wanting to fix the registered names on the Oscar Stephany dogs.

    I see O. Stevenson, Ozzie Stevens, O. Stevenson, Oscar Stephany,Stephany, Etc. Since this great dog man has passed on. What is his correct last name spelling? I in the past thought his correct name was Oscar Stephany. Do not remember his middle name anymore.

    Anyone knows, please reply so I can get all his dogs under one listing. Do not need all these double and tripled named dogs bred or owned by him. Cheers
    Last edited by CYJ; 05-24-2016 at 10:34 AM.

  2. #2
    In the dogs he was Ozzie Stevens so that would make sense to leave it like that. To his friends and family he was Oscar Stephany, and he was one of a kind!

  3. #3
    Ditto KCC. Still best to put all dogs under correct last name. I had wanted to put the first name Initial to differentiate from breeders with same last name. CA. Jack said no, just put correct full name or initial and last name under breeders/owner entry. So that to best start out a dog search was by using the dog's name. Still can add the other info in the narrative. Which I have been doing. Cheers

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    Ditto KCC. Still best to put all dogs under correct last name. I had wanted to put the first name Initial to differentiate from breeders with same last name. CA. Jack said no, just put correct full name or initial and last name under breeders/owner entry. So that to best start out a dog search was by using the dog's name. Still can add the other info in the narrative. Which I have been doing. Cheers

    I don't agree with Jack's stance on this issue. Ozzie went by "Ozzie Stephens" and that is how it should be represented in my opinion.

    Another breeder that I noticed was changed CYJ is the "Crenshaw's" this makes it utterly confusing. Ed Crenshaw has always been represented as "E. Crenshaw" to differentiate him from James. So now when I look at the Crenshaw's there isn't anything to distinguish them. I don't like it, and I would say I'm a stickler for correctly entered pedigree information.


  5. #5
    You're not alone SB

  6. #6
    Ditto S_B. I agree as well. That was how I had the Crenshaw/even the Jackson/ Young's dogs/Jones/Sorrells/Williams and many others. With a initial to designate the different dog breeders with last same names. Jack contacted me by PM and ask me to put them all in a last name format. Was what has had me on the site for a good while now. Had to go back and change a pile of dogs,but had got rid of all the duplicates.

    Since Brick Face owns the site now. Maybe he can decide one way or the other, once and for all. Will hold off on the Ozzie dogs till he lets me know. I do not agree with those double named dogs with some known dog breeder added to give some prestige to the dog the actual person owns. Cheers

  7. #7
    I like that idea fellas! It is less confusing but what happens if another e or j Crenshaw comes along?

    I understand jacks thinking as the names can be distinguished in the breeders box

    I'll have to think about it

  8. #8
    Ditto Brick Face. There is a Jimmy Young that owned APBT dogs. Since I am Johnny Young adding the J. initial would not help over all. Another was in the older dogs listing. A Jim Williams and a Jack Williams, and there is the Jim Williams that owned the famous Paladin dog.

    Even I have not got it down pat on entering a breeders name that may not be in the system, when fixing a duplicate. Cheers

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