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Thread: need help Evaluating......

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  1. #1

    need help Evaluating......

    I got a couple I evlauated: Question? Can a dog go from hot to cold. Meaning loose interested before they are ever started. Got a buddy telling me that I'm waiting to long to start them. Also!!!! if I wait to long do you think I have to be more patient when it comes to starting up..

  2. #2
    Your buddy is telling the biggest bs I ever heard. If you have the patience to start them at 18 months to 2 years or even later, that's great. Get this facts straight also: "hot" doesn't mean started. It just means "aggressive behaviour" but the dog could be cold.
    No interest in fighting ( on the street, or on the yard) does not mean "cold", dog could be hot as fuck when put to work.

  3. #3
    Most dogs will let you know when they are ready...

  4. #4
    Nut said it perfectly, a dog that portrays a certain behavior is just that behavior it means nothing. Only way to evaluate a dog ability to perform is to give them that opportunity.

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