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Thread: Cedar Shavings

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  1. #1

    Cedar Shavings

    Anyone ever tried cedar shavings for kennel bedding? I've got a puppy that's getting a rash from something and I'm wondering if it might be the cedar. Other dogs have been fine with it but I've heard they can have allergic reactions to it. Anyone have any experience with that?

  2. #2
    Some dogs do have reactions to the cedar oil. I have not had one yet but I don't use cedar with pups under 6 or so months. I use pine shavings for them.

  3. #3
    I'd look to the feed first environment second. Used cedar, pine and clean Bermuda grass hay. Only issues I've ever had was the Bermuda can make some red and itchy.


  4. #4
    Use it all the time. Change out & put in fresh based on how many & how big. May have to change more often if getting a rash.

  5. #5
    Could be that bag or the puppy.

    I've bought a bale of hay before and when I finished stuffing houses I was eat up with seed ticks.

    Things happen.


  6. #6
    I have one dog that has a reaction to cedar shavings. She gets ant bite looking bumps everywhere the shavings come in contact with her. The rest of the yard never had a problem. I just stick with pine now and never have any issues.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the input fellas.

  8. #8
    One of my dogs is allergic to cedar shavings she starts biting her paws and legs, they get real red and itchy.

  9. #9
    i use a horse bedding product called rapid, very cheap and made from hemp

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Palooka View Post
    i use a horse bedding product called rapid, very cheap and made from hemp
    Can you post a link or a label?


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