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  1. #1

    Dog Bust

    11 indicted in Central Georgia drug and dogfighting ring |

  2. #2
    Not a dog bust per se. It's a drug bust and the dogs just happened to be there. Now the animal rights lunatics will act like heroes and collect them donations. This crap has been happening for decades. New generation, same old story. Sad.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    You avoid it by not doing anything illegal and staying away from those that do. Be it dogs, be it life.

  5. #5
    Regardless of what one's extra curriculum activities may be, you can not mix the two,
    You don't drink clear drinks and color drinks, that will make you sick.
    You don't race your car, in the rain. That will make you crash, much easier.
    Lastly, you don't breed bulldogs and grow marijuana. Especially if you decide you want to sell it down the line

    People just can't seem to understand.
    Hopefully after a few hiccups people will understand a little better.


  6. #6
    Lowlives have always plagued this breed only to make them an easy target for the animal rights lunatics to exploit and cash in on; which aided in harsher laws; which in turn attracted more lowlives.

  7. #7
    The history of the breed has always had lowlifes to Joe Public.
    Hell you could have been the greatest athlete in the world, won Gold for your country and put on a box of Wheaties only to be caught doing dogs when all of a sudden it will be said.
    "Wow, never knew he had that other side to him, he hid that dark side of him from all of us. He is the devil.
    Hang him now.

    Google Maps, will get you there.

  8. #8
    Prefect example of low life dog thieves, it would seem the collective agreement between dogmen and dog gamblers
    Have a perfect understanding of each other's goals.
    Case in point.

    You have gamblers that like (maybe in this case they did not like... Because they lost, just a thought)
    Betting on dogs and winning but what happens when you are bettering 50K ... and more. Yes people,
    You have events with numbers like that, not often but it happens more often than we know. Forget the newspapers
    that want to make every "roll" sound that 500,000 dollars were waged and lost. Those are pumped up numbers (99.9%) just to have the same effect with their paper sales.
    You will have your $5-15-25,000 shows and most of the time, people would (this is when it was just a misdemeaner, not a felony in certain states as well.) have a good time, discuss the dogs, help each other. (Opponents) If they needed anything with a dog that may have shown to be real game and you didn't want to chance losing him because your drive home was long,. In need of meds asap, etc but the help was there.

    Today you have people that have walked in on a man who was with his family, in-laws, kids (under 10 yrs old no less) and shot him because they wanted the dog he recently "supposedly" had won enough money to buy a small island..... The papers report.
    The nucleus to the whole Damn story should have been the life taken, not the dogs, not the supposing X amount of cash etc...
    What did Joe Law end up doing ? Sweet fukk all and basically put the blame on him.
    Plastering his name and kennel name all over the papers. The remaining family members had to leave their home at the time in fear of reprisal.
    Regardless of what happened to a, nice young man the end results were saddening to those that loved him.
    He withered away from most dogmen's memory and the scums that did this are out and about.
    Do you really want to take a great dog now for people to see.
    At coin toss, the exact words should be reverberating in their heads.
    Heads, I lose. Tails. He wins.


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