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Thread: looking for some working andy capp

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  1. #1

    looking for some working andy capp

    any breedind being done or any pup for sale or trade :P nice forum

  2. #2
    Subscribed Member CRISIS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Golden State
    wow....i cant believe that i missed this thread, very informative and answered a lot of my questions regarding the ancestry & traits behind these dogs.......

  3. #3
    The last post is 14 months old now!

  4. #4
    Some good reading, thanks TFX for sharing!

  5. #5

  6. #6
    How is the last breeding you spoke of doing? TFX

  7. #7
    First thing, it's not all that easy to get a ROM or POR dog to just pop out of a breeding program. When you consider that most dogs never make it to the show, you should consider yourself lucky when you do have dogs that make it there and win.

    Second thing, being a winner doesn't necessarily mean anything except your dog beat the dog in front of it. That could mean your average dog beat a dog that quit in 20 minutes, and in the overall way of looking at things, being a winner isn't all that impressive. The only time winning ever meant anything to me was when a quality dog was beaten. Unfortunately, for my dog, we tended to see more quality action at the yard than the show due to selection, breeding, etc etc. So because a dog isn't a winner doesn't mean it's not "tested in the box". It could be something as simple as the dog simply isn't a winner for a variety of reasons.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    First thing, it's not all that easy to get a ROM or POR dog to just pop out of a breeding program. When you consider that most dogs never make it to the show, you should consider yourself lucky when you do have dogs that make it there and win.

    Second thing, being a winner doesn't necessarily mean anything except your dog beat the dog in front of it. That could mean your average dog beat a dog that quit in 20 minutes, and in the overall way of looking at things, being a winner isn't all that impressive. The only time winning ever meant anything to me was when a quality dog was beaten. Unfortunately, for my dog, we tended to see more quality action at the yard than the show due to selection, breeding, etc etc. So because a dog isn't a winner doesn't mean it's not "tested in the box". It could be something as simple as the dog simply isn't a winner for a variety of reasons.
    Fair enough! Well said FrostyPaws! I can see where you're coming from.

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