Man! What an animal! The third and second to last pic are like mirror images of his sire Machobuck. What was his weight at the show?
Thanks again for the sharing
Now bring on Bear!
The third and fourth pictures are nearly IDENTICAL to some of Machobuck's conditioned pictures. I mean, that face? It's like Macho resurrected. What an amazingly beautiful animal!!
Good looking animal Evo. He doesn't look quite as rangy as the original Machobuck, but his hide looks a little thicker. (Although his does look about as tall in the last shot.)
Super MAchobuck
Maybe at first glance, I wll disagree, Super is a TAD bit longer than his daddy. Machobuck was a TAD bith thicker in the chest, but the resemblence is remarkable. Hell, even the stance.
nice pics, thanks for sharing!
nice comparison. think he can be in better shape tho ? or is his hide that thick
He was 75 pounds when I picked him up. he is now 64, and I did that in a months time.So yeah.. He needs some fat off his hide