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Thread: Could use some help with rehabilitation. A water tank??

  1. #11

  2. #12
    Thanks for everyones help.

    Sadly, I decided to put him into retirement after just one race.... showed him to a couple of people and it to each of them it looked this dog was not going to heal anymore. He;s back on the chain, will be bred.

  3. #13
    I have only seen two or three ligament injuries over the years and I did not feel comfortable with the rehab. Dogs naturally hide injury and pain. BY the time there is a limp or it is noticeable rehab is set back. Not knowing the dog or seeing him in person I would say you made the right choice. It would be tough on him if the ligament became an issue again but this time around the :30 minute mark. Best of luck with is new career. EWO

  4. #14
    Glad I searched this topic before I started a new thread. I have a dog with a similar injury just nothing torn. Im considering using a swim tank to help him get back on track.
    Thanks to those who have already given their insight on this issue

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