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Thread: Won't work at hide...what to do???

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by CYJ View Post
    I did see that video were this fellow had a long counter balanced Jenny. Had it set up were the dog was running and holding a hide type thing in his mouth off and on. Dog was working and breathing through sides of mouth and nose. Looked to be in great shape.

    I said to myself boy I would hate to go into that dog with that type conditioning. A dog like that can go at you none stop for a good while if it does not get hurt early.

  2. #22
    And for the record. 5 parties really regretted meeting him.

  3. #23
    CYJ, was that the video you were talking about?

  4. #24
    I don't think you are ruffling any feathers. If you said, "Hey EWO, what do you think about this post? I would say you are preaching to the choir. I too believe a lot of the dogs have been left on the mill/jenny/spring pole. I have often posted the ability to see the need for rest is by far the most important part of conditioning. It is an art in itself. I am hardly ever concerned with how much a dog can do as much as I am concerned with the time it takes for him to recover and do it again. I am slightly more conservative with the teeth than 17 days but the principle is the same. If I use mouth work it is early on and stops three weeks or so out. I too agree the back legs have to be on the ground. I also use it at lots of angles, from overhead, low from a tree, higher up, etc..etc.. but always with the feet on the ground. As for me, preach on Brother EVO...EWO

    Quote Originally Posted by evolutionkennels View Post
    I may ruffle a few feathers with this post. But almost all dogs are in better shape off the chain than in the show. Quite simply, most over train thier animals and should bring the mill, jenny, or springpole to the show, cause that's where they left the dog. Most people are too stupid to recognize when the dogs muscle has no ATP, when it needs rest. If I had to start over again, I'd rest every other day. New performance tests show sled dogs have more endurance and are stronger when rested every other day. Furthermore, specific to spring pole... Teeth become loose from gum line, so you should never work more than 20 min, and never where the back legs aren't on the ground. Furthermore, no mouth work 17 days before show date, or you'll be picking up your teeth from the square.

  5. #25
    Nice set up. Running with the hide in the mouth would really train a dog to breathe while in hold. I am a big fan of anything that mimics the work used on show night. The stopping and fighting the hide and then starting again is huge. That video could explain a lot. EWO

    Quote Originally Posted by evolutionkennels View Post

  6. #26
    Personally i don't do any hide work. No place for a jenny in the city, and i was told springpole work demands to much of a dog in keep. I do keep some extra weight on the neck and give the dog a kong for 30 minutes every day. I do feel you guys that this mimics the real work, so you got me thinking of doing some light springpole work in the first 4 weeks of the keep.

    Talking about resting, hope i don't go to much offtopic with this question but it had me thinking. If you got a dog with a high prey drive, pulling the leash hard, and you live in the city. Would it be better to keep the dog in the cold outside in the kennel during the keep and only walk it once a day on weighing time, so it can have maximum rest. Or would you choose to keep it at a calm/warm place inside, yet you have to walk the dog 3 times a day, also on its resting day.. but the dog will never be easy on the leash. Hoping for some good advice.

  7. #27
    Well, you put that type of conditioning on a prolific killing machine, you get times like 18, 22, 28,31,

  8. #28
    never picked any teeth off the floor,however that 17 days out is very helpful to me

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post
    Personally i don't do any hide work. No place for a jenny in the city, and i was told springpole work demands to much of a dog in keep. I do keep some extra weight on the neck and give the dog a kong for 30 minutes every day. I do feel you guys that this mimics the real work, so you got me thinking of doing some light springpole work in the first 4 weeks of the keep.

    Talking about resting, hope i don't go to much offtopic with this question but it had me thinking. If you got a dog with a high prey drive, pulling the leash hard, and you live in the city. Would it be better to keep the dog in the cold outside in the kennel during the keep and only walk it once a day on weighing time, so it can have maximum rest. Or would you choose to keep it at a calm/warm place inside, yet you have to walk the dog 3 times a day, also on its resting day.. but the dog will never be easy on the leash. Hoping for some good advice.
    Everything else being equal, inside a room temperature place conserving energy puts more nutrients into building muscle and endurance, rather than just trying to keep warm.

  10. #30
    I think it is better to be inside. If he is worked, supplemented and then put inside in the warm his body will use the nutrients/supplementation as they were intended. If he is kept outside there will be a certain amount of shivering (temperature dependent). Thus there will be a certain amount of energies dedicated to keeping warm instead of recharging.
    The dog will still be able to rest in that environment if there is a set to routine. If he comes out of the box, goes straight to his dump place, dumps and then gets put back up he can rest sufficiently in between. If his rest days are long walks where he is pulling to several different spots to try to dump/empty then that may interfere with rest. Either situation can work and both have worked for others. If you are locked in to your situation ( city/urban/country/farm) then the idea is to find what works for you and your dog. I would say make the routine that fits and stick to it. EWO

    Quote Originally Posted by R2L View Post
    Personally i don't do any hide work. No place for a jenny in the city, and i was told springpole work demands to much of a dog in keep. I do keep some extra weight on the neck and give the dog a kong for 30 minutes every day. I do feel you guys that this mimics the real work, so you got me thinking of doing some light springpole work in the first 4 weeks of the keep.

    Talking about resting, hope i don't go to much offtopic with this question but it had me thinking. If you got a dog with a high prey drive, pulling the leash hard, and you live in the city. Would it be better to keep the dog in the cold outside in the kennel during the keep and only walk it once a day on weighing time, so it can have maximum rest. Or would you choose to keep it at a calm/warm place inside, yet you have to walk the dog 3 times a day, also on its resting day.. but the dog will never be easy on the leash. Hoping for some good advice.

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