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Floyd Boudreax quote I found interesting
"I don't think you can change a dog a whole lot after he is born. All you can do is sharpen his ability a little bit but you can't make him game. Now people say that it is a risk to breed a young untested pregnant dog. Well I bred SPOOK her first time in heat. She was never tried before, but she produced some exceptional dogs. I think it is like this. They have the genetic ability to produce good or they don't know matter how they are themselves."
I have maintained a very similar opinion as this legendary dogman Mr.Floyd Boudreax, but the funny thing is I am often ridiculed for saying it almost like being put in a greenhorn category. On the flip side a guy with the same opinion says it and it's like he gets a pass.
At the end of the day who cares what another says but I just read that interview and found that funny.
Subscribed Member
Theres folks that know then theres the cyber doggers who are all pros and are the ones hovering in the forums like sharks waiting for u to say something so they can pounce on you and be the first to show you how much they know and how little you know
Two trains of thought...
I think the key to this quote is when he actually made the quote. If he were a 18 year old FB who had did nothing in the dogs and had not yet built a stellar (life time) game dog reputation people would pounce on him as well. After he made the contributions he did, bred the dogs he did and built that stellar reputation along the way what he says carries more weight.
Secondly, and this is not a nostalgic plea for yesteryear, or a naïve perception everything was better/more honest back then, but...the internet has made it incredibly easy to peddle dogs. So when the next Johnny-come-lately rolls onto a board/forum and says he is breeding his female at 7-8 months old it draws out people's opinions, pro and con.
I look at what he did over time and weight the comment from there. After contributions over a lifetime his experiences say breeding Spook on her first heat was a great idea ( and history says so as well ) but I did not take the comment to mean it would be a great idea to breed every bitch at the first heat.
its easy to make an excuse to breed a young untested bitch when she already produced.
Senior Member
He is right ,the dogs genetics don't change with age ,but she needs to be of good sound genes all parents and grand parents and great grand parents need to be good dogs to up your chances .me myself like to know the bitch can hunt like her parents ,but some times you have to breed them young such as when an old stud dog is on his last leg .there has been a many of young bitches that have been waited on and died after a hunt and not have ever had any pups ,so there are ups and downs and I would say the ups out weigh the downs .always breed good to good .
Senior Member
I agree with you all, I guess the point for me isn't the heat cycles it is the fact that people are so stuck on putting the dog through a blender to prove its worth breeding as if it will make it a better producer. I seen another thread where some guy just wants to breed his bitch to a CH... I'm like wtf does that guarantee? The two simply don't affect each other. If I have a dog that I plan on matching then yes I'm gonna check it to the fullest so I know how game we are before I hook them. If I have one that I want to use for brood then that's what's I do, breed it, wait to see if it produces then proceed, simple shit man. Just my opinion, everyone reaps their own rewards Asa well as suffer your own consequences.
Senior Member
Well, "Spook" wasn't that Evolution. Her grandfather was a curr, her mother was untested. Spook's dam, Penny came from a male off Leo Kinard's yard, "Young Rock" he was a curr who Leo put back on the chain because he liked how he was bred. Penny's dam, "Peggy" was off a curr. And ANYONE who knows about Leo Kinard knows, he kept EVERY dog he came across. It didn't matter if it was good, bad, ugly, a curr or whatever..
And what in the fuck did Spook produce?! Eli Jr and Bullyson?!? Eli Jr was a decent mutt, but Bullyson was curr, piece of shit... Fuck they tried to give him 2 chances to scratch and the fucking cull stood the line both times and didn't even try to step out.. If they were TRUE dogmen, they would have put that mutt down right there..
People are so quick to make an excuse for a dog. "Blind Billy only lost because he got overheated", NO.. Blind Billy lost because his owner didn't bring him in good enough shape and he blew hot and didn't make the scratch...
I've known a lot of men who breed females without ever looking at them. I know some that breed them whether they've had anything done with them, if they've quit previously, etc. It doesn't really bother me whatsoever, but it's not something that I choose to do. There was a time when my stud dog was an elder statesman, and I had some opportunities to breed him to some of his daughter, but I never did because at that time, I didn't have anything I felt that met my idea of what bulldogs are. That's the main reason I don't do it. I want to breed dogs that are MY idea of what a bulldog should be, and I can't do that without looking at the dog.
Senior Member
Man you'd shit bricks if you knew the truth about every guy that kept a cur. Hell, I still can't believe it when I hear some of these stories because you think a guy that's had success with these dogs has achieved it "by the book" but man o man is that not the case with so many.
it doesn't really matter. if u want to breed the bitch do it. no1 has to feed them pups but you.
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