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Thread: Who do you breed to?

  1. #1

    Who do you breed to?

    Me and a friend were recently having this discussion. Do you breed to the winner or the sire of the winner?

  2. #2

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    Ihmo, it depends on the pedigree of both and what you are needing to add, to your bitch...

  3. #3

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    It is a given that all that needs to be taken into account but for discussion sake lets assume all the above are equal

  4. #4

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    It sounds like you already know, the answer, to your own question... lol
    If you want to discuss, breeding.. You need to be more specific about some things. What you looking for in the offspring. Do you have room, to take a chance on the winner to see if he is a producer. How old is the proven producer. It's a few more things, that have to be known.. In order to get some help... I think that's why nobody is responding

  5. #5

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    I would breed to whichever dog has the traits that I am looking for/need in my bitch.

    The son may have mouth, but dad doesn't. Dad may have air, but the son doesn't. Etc.

    Sometimes, the stud "is just throwin' em," regardless, and you need to breed to those dogs while they're still around ... and sort out which children to breed later after he's gone 8-)


  6. #6

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    If you are constantly striving for improvement of a line and u go back to the dog that produced the ace, you are, in effect, standing still. You may get some good dogs, but you aren't advancing your breeding program.

  7. #7

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    Quote Originally Posted by dance all night rece
    If you are constantly striving for improvement of a line and u go back to the dog that produced the ace, you are, in effect, standing still. You may get some good dogs, but you aren't advancing your breeding program.
    So are you saying bred to the ace?
    How are you so sure the ace will produce?

    Say you have a female off the ace and she is missing a piece of the puzzle...
    Do you go back to the ace? Or to the dog that produced the ace?

  8. #8

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    Quote Originally Posted by FACE203
    Quote Originally Posted by dance all night rece
    If you are constantly striving for improvement of a line and u go back to the dog that produced the ace, you are, in effect, standing still. You may get some good dogs, but you aren't advancing your breeding program.
    So are you saying bred to the ace?
    How are you so sure the ace will produce?

    Say you have a female off the ace and she is missing a piece of the puzzle...
    Do you go back to the ace? Or to the dog that produced the ace?

    I agree. I don't see how you advance your line by not breeding to your key stud dog.

    If you have an ace off your stud, put him in the bullpen and then try to get another ace, this one a bitch, off of your stud dog. Get as many really good dogs off of your stud as possible, THEN (when the stud is gone) advance your line by interbreeding the very best offspring of him together.

    That's how most breeders do it that I know ...



  9. #9

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    Quote Originally Posted by FACE203
    It sounds like you already know, the answer, to your own question... lol
    If you want to discuss, breeding.. You need to be more specific about some things. What you looking for in the offspring. Do you have room, to take a chance on the winner to see if he is a producer. How old is the proven producer. It's a few more things, that have to be known.. In order to get some help... I think that's why nobody is responding
    I actually did have my answer but when I had this discussion before you are right we were talking about actual dogs. I tried to leave the subject vague to encourage conversation. I wasn't really looking for "the answer".

  10. #10

    Re: Who do you breed to?

    Gotcha... So what's some peds on the dogs, you speak of?

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