Will breed him one or two times off the yard for pups.. Would really like to breed him to a poncho bitch or a silverback bitch for pups
I think you have good taste
The Poncho/Kitana dogs had the punch, AND the gameness, but not the moves.
The heavy Poncho dogs have the moves, AND the gameness, but (typically) not the punch.
The Silverback dogs have the moves, AND the gameness, AND the finish, but (typically) not the punch.
If you add the Poncho/Mayday to the Silverback dogs, I think (if "The Force" is with you) you have the shot to get an ACE ... with EVERYTHING ...
The "worst" you'll get is more smart, talented, deeply-game dogs ... but you have a very real chance to get a World Beater if the "genetic deck" gets shuffled just right
I can see that.
I have this bitch she is about 7 but one hell of a bitch. If your interested we may make it happen.
Jack this my goal and why I wanna make that happen... However Charllo can move and is a wizard on the head particularly the face and muzzle... I've attempted to make this type of breeding a few times but guys simply bullshit when we have the chance to possibly create something special.. We'll see what the future holds tho I'm not gonna give up on it lol..