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Thread: Poncho/Kitana

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by CrazyRed View Post
    Bro, I love everything you're doing with him and I know for certain that once you do these breedings it will take off and I can't wait.
    I've done all outcrosses with him and the results are very nice. We got some slick, finishing dogs with real good air tanks. I really like his son Mister Angus Jack that fool will do big damage early and often lol.... It's time to take him back to his roots tho to lock in the great traits of this line of dogs. When we bred Charllo x Miss Poncha we were excited but sadly it wasn't meant to be.....

    To those who have them Gorilla bitches bring one, hell sell me one I'll buy a Silverback bitch that way I can make the breeding and keep all the pups myself lol...

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by MISTER View Post
    I've done all outcrosses with him and the results are very nice. We got some slick, finishing dogs with real good air tanks. I really like his son Mister Angus Jack that fool will do big damage early and often lol.... It's time to take him back to his roots tho to lock in the great traits of this line of dogs. When we bred Charllo x Miss Poncha we were excited but sadly it wasn't meant to be.....

    To those who have them Gorilla bitches bring one, hell sell me one I'll buy a Silverback bitch that way I can make the breeding and keep all the pups myself lol...
    Bro I'm right along with you for the long ride, if I can get one myself i'll give to you for free just to see your vision through.

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