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Thread: Feeding fat source

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by BLADE View Post
    I like the way this diet looks NQK. What if any difference do you see not including the boiled rice? And do you not include and vegetables at some point in this diet?
    I give all credit to Jack for putting all of this stuff together in his PBB. I've taken what's there, as most here, and have messed with it to get to where I'm currently at with what I feed. I get that the economy version includes rice and it's fine and by far better than kibble, but it's still something not natural to a dog's diet. That's the only reason I don't include it. That and the fact that I like to prep my weekly feed a certain way and making enough rice for 17 dogs for a week would just irritate me. I would rather pay a little more and get what I want (invest) than spend more time and less money boiling and keeping rice in a fridge that's already full of dog feed. I do not include any veggies. Reason being is real simple. I cross referenced the economy raw to the ideal raw and took the things I like best. I seems if you are not going to feed veggies, you should feed a good multi-vitamin in it's place. That's what I do. I take 4 32oz containers of yogurt and mix 8 oz of Red Cell with it. I stir it all up. It doesn't separate at all so it works well. I make sure it's well blended and each dog get's 1'4 cup of this with their feed, thus getting about 1 teaspoon of red cell. I use the horse formula so I can use less of it and get more.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by FrostyPaws View Post
    "Flax oil is often touted as a good omega-3 source but the omega-3’s in flax oil are not in a form that dogs can incorporate in their body and so they become a very expensive substitute for vegetable oil."

    Arleigh Reynolds, DVM

    There's an article I posted on here, Rendering Sense Into Fat. I would recommend everyone reading it.
    Thanks Frosty

    You've sold me. I've been looking at it for a while now. I'm kinda a hair splitter when it comes to some of this stuff and can over think for sure. However, I think the Salmon oil will provide my dogs with all the omega 3's they need and what I'll be doing on my next order is simply feeding Wheat Germ and Salmon oil. That's it. I do keep Lard on hand but I like these two oils alot. I think a daily rotation from Wheat to Salmon will do the trick for sure.

    Thanks dude.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by No Quarter Kennel View Post
    I give all credit to Jack for putting all of this stuff together in his PBB. I've taken what's there, as most here, and have messed with it to get to where I'm currently at with what I feed. I get that the economy version includes rice and it's fine and by far better than kibble, but it's still something not natural to a dog's diet. That's the only reason I don't include it. That and the fact that I like to prep my weekly feed a certain way and making enough rice for 17 dogs for a week would just irritate me. I would rather pay a little more and get what I want (invest) than spend more time and less money boiling and keeping rice in a fridge that's already full of dog feed. I do not include any veggies. Reason being is real simple. I cross referenced the economy raw to the ideal raw and took the things I like best. I seems if you are not going to feed veggies, you should feed a good multi-vitamin in it's place. That's what I do. I take 4 32oz containers of yogurt and mix 8 oz of Red Cell with it. I stir it all up. It doesn't separate at all so it works well. I make sure it's well blended and each dog get's 1'4 cup of this with their feed, thus getting about 1 teaspoon of red cell. I use the horse formula so I can use less of it and get more.
    Man that all makes sense, thanks for the feedback. I always find myself looking for for more cost efficient ways to feed Raw without neglecting to include a good balance of necessary ingredients. And even though my numbers stay closer to the ten head mark I have to agree that the rice cooking and storage gets aggravating as hell.

    I started a topic on another related Raw feeding subject some time back but it never went anywhere, the topic was feeding Horse meat. A point was made that horse is very lean meat which is true but I have a very good supply of free Jackasses and Donky's, and these things have plenty of fat on them. I mix it in evenly when I bag the meat to freez it.
    The trouble I have is that the only bones small enough to really eat are the ribs. I need to come up with a source of bone to add without driving the price up to where I could just feed chicken without all the work involved in butchering Jacks or Donky's. If you or anyone else has idea's I'd like to hear some feedback. Thanks.

  4. #24
    Any of the larger bones would work. Not that I feed stuff as large as a horse but the deer bones are fed here. They drag them over to a corner and gnaw and work til they are gone. I would imaging a horse leg would keep them occupied for sometime. Once a week or so would do fine.

    The butchering something that large has to be a job. The deer work in the winter is enough for me. I have a friend who feeds raw to mastiffs in New Mexico. He works with the state to pick up dead animals. Elk, moose type large. He sent a video butchering one that was partially frozen with a Husqvarna. A blood batch to say the least. I can only imagine being on a vacation in New Mexico and driving by "Helter Skelter" on the side of the highway.

    I am thinking the horse/jacks would be the same with their size.


  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by EWO View Post
    Any of the larger bones would work. Not that I feed stuff as large as a horse but the deer bones are fed here. They drag them over to a corner and gnaw and work til they are gone. I would imaging a horse leg would keep them occupied for sometime. Once a week or so would do fine.

    The butchering something that large has to be a job. The deer work in the winter is enough for me. I have a friend who feeds raw to mastiffs in New Mexico. He works with the state to pick up dead animals. Elk, moose type large. He sent a video butchering one that was partially frozen with a Husqvarna. A blood batch to say the least. I can only imagine being on a vacation in New Mexico and driving by "Helter Skelter" on the side of the highway.

    I am thinking the horse/jacks would be the same with their size.

    Thanks for the feedback EWO. Butchering the Jacks is a big job but I've got a pretty good routine to get it done. I had a friend of mine help me with two of them this past weekend. We had them both in ice chest in about 2 1/2 hours total. The next day I deboned, cut and bagged the meat in about four hours by myself.
    I did save and froze all the large bones as well. I never really considered them a good source of bone simply because of how long it takes to naw them away but now that you've mentioned it.. I guess as long as they are getting it then it may be enough solely because of how dense they are? The way I was thinking was more around a traditional Raw diet where the whole balance was eaten apon delivery. Thanks again.

  6. #26
    In east tx where I live, lots of chicken processing plants. They sell 1000lbs of raw chicken necks for $90. That would be an excellent source of bones for your diet. Man, I wish I had your cheap meat supply.

  7. #27
    Chicken necks are a good source as well. It use to be a staple of the diet here. They were dirt cheap. The one day it was like, "Hey they will damn near regular chicken prices", and now I swap between backs and whatever is caught on sale.


  8. #28
    Up until recently, the cheapest chicken I could buy was chicken leg quarters at Walmart. I was paying 76cents a pound for 40# cases. Now the price has dropped to around 54cents a pound. Like NQK said about wishing he could get cheap meat like me (Jack meat) I wish I could get his chicken prices! Lol

  9. #29
    Same here. Leg quarters can get down around 59 cents per pound and I jump on these when I see them.


  10. #30
    I bout thighs yesterday for .32lb. I love it

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