Jezebelle came into heat today. We will breed her to Tupark. The pedigree is below and there should be some of these available. I'm looking to place these pups with quality, intelligent dogmen who will do right by them. Neither dog has ever been bred so their production record doesn't exist. Tupark is off of an ROM dog who is off of an ROM dog who is off of an ROM dog who is also off of an ROM dog so I believe we'll get some real nice dogs. Both Tupark and Jezebelle are good individuals with good intelligence, great athleticism and ability. Pups are $500
..........................................Hammonds ' Snort (2xw) ROM - (Son of RUFUS ROM)
.............................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
..........................................Hammonds ' Rennie B (off of Any L ROM)
..................Hammonds' Hailstone (2xw) ROM
..........................................Hammonds ' Vito (2xw)
.............................Hammonds' Vinnie
..........................................Hammonds ' Ch. Selma
.....Ferguson's Tupark
..........................................Hammonds ' Snort (2xw) ROM
..............................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
..........................................Hammonds ' Rennie B
...................Ferguson's Calley
..........................................Hammonds ' Ch. Roberto (Zack) - (SON OF ANDY L ROM)
..............................Hammonds' Zackitha
..........................................Elder's Tabatha (1xw)
PUPS - $500
..........................................Hammonds ' Andy B (Son of Andy L ROM)
..............................Hammonds' Dio Duel POR
..........................................Hammonds ' Sweet Red
...................Hammonds' Scotch Gator
..........................................Hammonds ' Lucan (2xw) POR (Son of Garner's Cajun Bull)
..............................Hammonds' Nellie Gator
..........................................Hammonds ' Traxi (Off Andy L ROM)
.....Ferguson's Jezebelle
..........................................Hammonds ' Snort (2xw) ROM
..............................Hammonds' Park Son ROM
..........................................Hammonds ' Rennie B
...................Ferguson's Calley
..........................................Hammonds ' Ch. Roberto (Zack) - (SON OF ANDY L ROM)
..............................Hammonds' Zackitha
..........................................Elder's Tabatha (1xw)
Email me at or call at 806 259 9920 b/f 9pm Texas time.
No Quarter Kennel