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Thread: Any Experience with these supplements?

  1. #1

    Any Experience with these supplements?

    We just ordered a ton of organic supplements for the dogs but was curious to see if anyone used anything like this or had any knowledge of these besides just the info we can find online

    -sea coral calcium- used as calcium supplement
    -red raspberry leaves- eases birthing process during last trimester, muscle ton, recovery
    -sea blend w/garlic- contains kelp for energy and endurance
    -joint mobility- contains MSM,shark cartilage, glucosamine, and Ester C
    -sparkle- dandelion leaves, rosehips,burdock root, nettle leaf and yeast flakes for skin and coat health
    -flaxseed oil
    -salmon oil
    ***not pictured****
    -Diatomaceous Earth- crushed fossils supplement for repelling fleas and ticks

  2. #2
    Calcium also has to do with contractions of the heart. Too much calcium is a bad thing so don't overdo it. We've used some red raspberry leave supplements before, and I can't say there was any difference in the birthing process. Having pups is tough on the mother either way it goes.

    We used some joint supplements on an old female we had years ago due to severe injuries. It helped her quite a bit. We always used substances with a high amount of MSM. No experience with anything like Sparkle. I think we all understand the benefits of the oil. I used DE as a wormer on my yard of dogs. Plain and simple, it doesn't work to rid the dogs of worms or at least it didn't mine. I never used it in the same way you're intending.

  3. #3
    Glucosomine and Chondroitin make great joint supplementation, as well as MSM.
    Flax of course is great for the coat and provides Omega 3s.
    I have done a lot of reading on DE, but have never used it. From what I have read, it doesn't do much for worms, but can be excellent for internal parasites. The key is to make sure the DE is dry and that you apply it to a dry dog and/or dry bedding. As soon as it gets moist, it is useless in the capacity of killing fleas/mites/ticks.


  4. #4
    You should buy fish oil that comes in glass or aluminum. The cheap plastic that most oils are stored in leak toxins into the oil. This is the best company to buy fish oil from.

  5. #5
    What do you think the recommend dose for a dog be if it's 2oz for a horse?

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