For years now I have been stating that traits tend to skip 4-5 generations, and that dogs usually favor one ancestor or another in their pedigree stronger than all of the others. I have used my own dogs as an example, and rightly so as I have been with this family of dogs for almost 25 years and this particular segment I have now for 23 years in an unbroken string of breedings.

I was looking through Ogdogg's pedigrees on those small dogs he posted, and came across a glaring example of this theory. Because these dogs aren't mine, and the dog in the example is crossed up pretty well, I want to use this example to demonstrate what I have been talking about. Here is the bitch, Twin Bulldog's UZY.

I happen to know the bottom side of this stuff coming from Jesse Rods comes in almost all black and white dogs, and generally more compact, so clearly UZY isn't pulling her traits from mama. Now, on the top side we have a great dog from Puerto Rico; GrCh Onyx, who happened to be a cover dog on a shared SDJ cover in about 1992 or 1993 featuring dogs from Bebo Goenaga. Onyx was a black and white dog, and with all of the old Bullyson stuff behind Garibaldi, he looks more like that stuff. Where then does the rangy buckskin look come from? Well, if you know your bloodlines in this breed very well, it doesn't take a real expert to see that UZY is a Boomerang bitch! I knew that was a Boomerang dog the moment I saw the photo, before knowing there was any Boomerang breeding in the dog. I had to look to confirm it, and that is when I saw the Alexander blood back there, and was satisfied that my eyes didn't lie.

Now, many of you looking at the 4 generation pedigree might not be so familiar with the excellent stuff down from Alexander's Sweet William in the 4th generation. If you click on the Darling Nikki bitch's pedigree, alas you will see the heavy Boomerang blood behind UZY. Remember, I told you in the beginning that I have noticed it often takes 4-5 generations for traits to resurface? Well, in the 4th generation you get Sweet William who was a double bred Boomerang grandson, as well as some other intense Boomerang linebreeding. I suspect the other Alexander blood there is more of the same, but the pedigree is incomplete. Either way, we have identified the source of the dog's genetic influence.

So this UZY bitch is only 3/8ths of the old Alexander blood, but she is as straight on the Boomerang traits physically as you will see. In fact, she is more like those dogs than some own sons or daughters of Boomerang were. Why? There are two reasons. The own sons and daughters of Boomerang in many cases were expressing traits from 4-5 generations back in their own pedigrees. The second reason is that there is linebreeding on Boomerang behind UZY, which adds a measure of prepotency by limiting the genetic variables. You really need to look at a whole litter to get a true picture, but what this tells me is that Gr. Ch. Onyx threw more to his dam's traits than his sire's or his own.

Now, do you want to see it again? Let's go a couple generations down the line to CH Blonka:

I can tell you where her traits are coming from too. Blonka's physical traits have nothing to do with GrCh Destroyer, and nothing to do with Shorty Jr. Because I am intimately familiar with the blood on the bottom side of CH Blonka, I can tell you the traits are coming straight through Pebbles, but not from her. As an aside, "Little Nikki" looks nothing like Licon's CH Nicky who was actually a buckskin bitch. I knew Bill Licon very well back in the day, he has been to my house many times, and vise versa. I have seen dozens and dozens of these dogs, and close to that same number of them perform. I conditioned and handled a son of Pebble's brother Crowbar to a 2:57 win, so we have owned and used this blood, more than once actually. You see, CH Blonka looks more like CH Alien than even CH Nicky, Spider, or Pebbles did. Why? Because you get CH Alien twice in the 5th generation, AND once again it is linebred. The prepotency of Bill's stuff is also evident in the Little Nikki bitch who looks as straight as any of that stuff, and straighter than some of the direct stuff. You see, the buckskin CH Nicky was actually more of a throwback to the Tombstone/Red Baby blood in the............... yep you guessed it in the 5th generation that was also LINEBRED.

I hope I have showed you some interesting breeding patterns here. If you stick with your dogs long enough you will see it too, and if you are savvy you'll be able to identify it in other's dogs as well.