R2L i know my spelling su.ks, but please read, it again . you wil see that when dry food is soakt that al the things your used to see your dog doing fed on raw is the same. and yes heating up the meat prossest for kibble breaks douwn the hormons and the antibiotics. wich is NOT the case when feeding raw!!!.

The douwnside of the heating up prosses of the meat used in kibble is that it also partly distrois the amino acids,wichs is where the skin and coat problems come from... wich not happens when feeding raw!!!.
Now you CAN ad amino acids to dry kibbel and soak it to get the same % of water in your dry food!!.
But you CANT get the anitibiotics and hormon levels out of the raw meat . HENS i feed the dry food kibble the way it SHOULD be done as i discribed it.. and stay away from feeding raw..
Just for you to know govermends all over the world INCLUDING the usa are dealing with a major problem in the human spiecies being almost imume to antibiotis DUE to the high levels being used in the Bio industry , wich makes up 80% of your usa and european protien base food!!.

Now our food is Kookt baked and heated up and stil we have major problem getting to much antibiotic and hormon levels in our systems !!. Can you imagion how much of that shit stacks up in our dogs when fed raw!!!??....
now unles you are 100% sure of your raw protien sours, then il say ok go for it . but i dont belive anybody with more then 4 ore 5 dogs would spend the money time and energy on mega green hippy protien raised on 100% natural foods and flafours. its simply to ecspensif ..not even old Jack is feeding that.looking at his videos.....

please do not forget that iven free roaming animals bred raised for that perpose are fed kibble themselfs in winter time!. and all the bio industri food is bassed on prossest animal waist . YEP thats right How good is that when the cow sheep chiken you ore your dogs eat is being fed of the waist protien of those animals..............And themselfs

Conclusion is. the chicken and meat you feed to your dogs are themselfs fed with prossest animal protien.!!! as with dry kibble .............