Guys FWIW.
im not going to debate ore try to convert people. ore get side trackt over minor diferenses ore imperfections in my layout. . i just simply put it as i see it and the way i have been educated as a dogman and tru the profesional greyhound racing frinds who i have.. these boys dont partisiopate in the minors. these guys dont feed crap, and feed human grade meat in there kibble diets . there are plenty of aczamples every week every day everywhere. where people suffer ore died from infected HUMAN grade meats.....""when cookt""
not to mention the BSE and crutsfeld jacob deseases coming from heuman grade meats..often diognosed as parkson diseas!!!!!!! .
Today there isend a greyhound in the majors running on meat alone diet wich takes the bacon home . that counts for someting
Do with the info wat you like fill in your own teories ore toughts about it. fact is these points are facts.. you can twist and turn around it come up with all sorts of teories to prove other wize, But we all know that in teory we can hang a elephant over clif holding on on a single leaf of gras!! ..
i see it as a stimulanse for others to debate, and show that raw feeding ISSEND better then the myth that is created bij those who only read and talk and feed on the chain and advice there belives from there point of view only . and set aside the stuff they simply dont know ore ignore.. funny is that nearly all the old timers in the past claim that with the coming of the quality drij food kibble companies, the dogs the sport and performace took a quantem leap forward. and these guys where the gods of composing raw meat diets for a long time . befor some of us where even born .....