I know what I'm asking will seem crazy to most, probably not even get understood but work with me I'm typing this on an IPad I just receive so I wont be able to fully explain r type it out.. Does anybody notice that some lines tend to blend well without taking away or adding too much and some lines just don't. Some crosses just haven't been as successful?

For instance, Bolio, Redboy, Jeep, Boomerang tend to cross really well with just about anything and can be linebred and inbred and remain strong. I notice a lot of people use crosses looking for something but few maintain those crosses to years of success. One line I have seen that doesn't always cross well(for this convo meaning it overrides) is the Eli dogs. I mean the older type of Eli dogs the powerful hard biting rough dogs not the crossed up ones but the ones that were bred to be like Bullyson & Eli Jr.. When people think of mouth and roughness it used to be get Eli.. But when you add Eli, it seems to offset your uniform and take over. I have seen eli crosse with Bolio with success but heavy Buck dogs crossed with Eli I haven't.. Any thoughts?