Quote Originally Posted by Black Hand View Post
what I mean by the good dog can pass 100% of his genes is basically that if I want a Michael Jordan clone ima breed to Michael Jordan himself and line breed on him and not his daddy cuz his daddy and mom both contributed Halfs. MJ is the whole thing, he is the only one that can pass what his mother AND father gave to him. slight misunderstanding maybe I worded it wrong. but the problem with recessive traits is that if my bitch ain't carrying those recessive traits also they are just gonna stay dormant. I'm gonna have a sire that carries the traits I want without exhibiting it and a bunch of pups just like him. Unless they are closely related sire and dam and possess the same traits. that's why I said if I had extensive knowledge on the family things may be different. but everybody don't start out knowing it all, if they did there would be no discussion here lol.
I don't agree because of MJ 3 sons none have half if his ability, so if anything MJ parents possibly could of repeated. But if not possible best bet to get another MJ would be to his father. Not all are equal. Or you can do like Evo & Jack have done and line breed a family something like the "Matthews" Family where grandfather father uncle cousin and brothers are all professional athletes but not equal. Don't forget Ken Norton Sr made Jr but what has Jr produced? Griffey Sr created Jr, then you talk about top elites Bonds, Bobby & Barry owning the 30/30 record or the Hulls Bobby and Brett when they retired were 2nd in Goals the other 3rd (NHL) and even the Mannings Archie produced Peyton & Eli. I could definitely see the reasoning in wanting to breed to the Ch but sometimes its more important to breed to the one who created the ch. we know what the high end we can get from the Ch creator unlike knowing what the Ch will do.