Project-X That story that was told about Gena not being on Maloney's place when Tombstone was born is a lie. I can bring forth two witnesses if you want to make it worth my while and they are not dead like your witness. Why don't you bet me 1000 dollars and we can send it to Weldon Stockton who use to be one of Mayfields Partners and was also a partner with Bennnett Clayton. I can produce two honest witnesses after the money is put up. Email me for Weldon's address and as soon as he calls me and says he has the $1000. I will send him 1000 dollars. Put up or shut up. I wasn't there 24 hours a day. So I know it is possible for Tombstone to be out of something else. But Toot Bred Genia I can prove that. She may have been bred to ten other males. I did see her hung up with Toot. I saw some pups nursing on Gena later that looked the same color as Tombstone plus some with more white. They could have been switched. My bet with you is Genia was there. I beleive tombstone is one of her pups but that isn't for sure and isn't part of the bet. I'd had to lived there to be sure whos they were positively Toot's and Gena's. I have one question. Why would a person lie about Tombstone being out of Gena who was not as well known of a known bloodline instead of some he had that were better known bloodlines dogs? That doesn't make since. I told you earlier there wee no Tudor females there. What i meant was he bred some dogs down from Tudor's stuff and had them there. What I'm saying is Tudor didn't breed one dog that was there on his place at the time. Anyway put up or shut up.