The editor of the current SDJ is from Central/South East Europe and it's definitely not TCF's C. L. He has had Bulldogs in the past as he mentioned in SDJ issue June 2012 "Editor's Corner". Whether he is a dog man I don't know. If I remember right he once wrote that he doesn't own a bulldog for now. I like the magazine he publishes and think the editor has a good sense of humour. I also don't know of any other current "game dog magazine" on our beloved breed. If one doesn't like it just don't buy it or advise your suggestion to the editor, he can be reached through e-mail and is open to any constructive critic as he anounced in his magazine.

The choice for "dog man of the year" or "dog of the year" is always subjective as is the choice for what's good or bad in general.

Damn I didn't want to get philosophical.